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September 05, 2022 8:21 PM | Deleted user

DID YOU KNOW? for March 1 - 14, 2022:  

Jessie Isabelle Price, was a veterinary microbiologist who studied and worked at the Cornell University Duck Research Laboratory where she identified the cause of the most common life-threatening disease in duck farming in the 1950’s.  She then developed preventive vaccines for this and several other avian diseases.

Price, a black woman, was highly praised for her work in vaccine development which greatly aided commercial duck, turkey, and pigeon farming. She relocated to Madison, Wisconsin in 1977 to work as a research microbiologist at the National Wildlife Health Center, where she focused on diseases in waterfowl and environmental contaminants.

Price was born in western Pennsylvania in 1930 and raised by her mother under difficult financial circumstances. They relocated to Ithaca, New York when Jessie was accepted at Cornell University, where she then earned her Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees.

Price's professional accomplishments led to recognitions internationally and in the U.S.  She served leadership roles in the American Society for Microbiology and Graduate Women in Science.

Learn more about Jessie Isabelle Price at... 

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