Gratitude for Retired Coordinators
Courses led by volunteer facilitators are a predominant part of the work of PLATO. As this new semester begins, we want to honor the following retired facilitators who have coordinated courses over recent years:
Carol Spiegel, Novels Old and New
Marsha Urbaniak, Novels Old and New
Bonnie Dill, Novels Old and New
Toni Jakovic, Jazz
Mary Becker, Biographies
Jim O'Brien, Film History
Booth Fowler (deceased), Five Great Thinkers
Phil Paulson, Experiencing Great Literature
Tom Zinnen, Frontiers in Science
Daryl Sherman, Refighting the Civil War
Dennis Dresang, Terry Shelton, Whither the State
Richard Steeves, Pathways to a Sustainable Planet
Alan Zuckerman (deceased), The Great Society 1964 - 2024
The contributions of these PLATO volunteers have enhanced the overall quality of the experience for members for many years. We are grateful for their efforts to provide outstanding education to all members of PLATO. Their courses will be greatly missed! Thank you… thank you… thank you!!!