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Curriculum Showcase

  • February 24, 2023 10:31 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    PLATO Coordinator Retirements 2022-2023

    Every semester we have many options for intriguing and creative courses.  As PLATO members we benefit from the generosity of our colleagues, who volunteer, as they share their interests, knowledge and expertise.  We are fortunate to have numerous coordinators who return semester after semester to challenge and enrich us.

    As we begin this new semester, we would like to highlight individuals who have faithfully led  courses for many years and have now retired.  A special thank you to:

    Bob Fry (Classic Films)

    Grethe Leer (Women’s Journeys)

    Norm Leer ( Life Maps - Norm died in Spring 2022)

    Paul Brandl (Frontiers in Science)

    Judy Havens (Reminiscence Writing)

    Helen Brewster (Biographies eastside)

    PLATO depends on the generosity of people like those listed above to make our programming rich and diverse.  If you have an interest in sharing an area of knowledge with others, please contact a member of the Curriculum Committee for assistance in arranging for a new course.

    Thank you to all of those who have enriched us with their leadership in the past and to those

  • December 13, 2022 8:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Covenant Presbyterian Church – masks are recommended but not required. It is up to each group meeting to determine their own protocols in their assigned space.

    Christ Presbyterian church -  face masks are optional at all CPC worship services, activities, and events. 

    Individuals are encouraged to assess their own risk factors and follow the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Public Health Madison Dane County if Community Levels increase.

    Capital Lakes - on the floor with the class rooms you will not need to wear a mask – everywhere else you will need to wear a mask in the building. 

    Madison Senior Center -Individuals are encouraged to do what makes them most comfortable – wear a mask or not.  In most of the rooms, depending on how the tables are configured, 15 people is about the maximum for the room. Each course can only have one room

    Oakwood – There are no longer kiosks at the entrances.  Masks are not required in our Independent Living areas of our campus, which includes the Art Center,  though we do ask those that are feeling ill to avoid visiting our campus to protect our campus residents.

    Vista West – no masks are required of visitors

    WI Bank and Trust – no Covid Protocols

    UW Space Place – no Covid Protocols

  • December 08, 2022 3:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    New feature: Coordinator Videos!

    Coordinators, here s a new opportunity to publicize your course – and yourself – to prospective PLATO course participants. Starting in the Spring Session, the PLATO Curriculum Committee will be offering the opportunity for you to record a brief, 1- to 2-minute video about yourself and a description of your course. A link to the video will be posted on your course webpage. This is a completely voluntary option but might be a fun way for you to introduce yourself and your course to potential students.


    As an example, Course Coordinator Michael Stevens has recorded the following video about his course on the Boston Massacre:



    It is very easy to record a video using your iPhone. Please send a note to Jayne Fischer at if you are interested. She will send you the instructions, including tips on recording the video and where to save it.


    The deadline for submission of course videos for the Spring 2023 Session is January 10th.

  • September 18, 2022 2:08 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Fellow PLATO Lifelong Learning Enthusiasts,

    Have you tried a hybrid PLATO course?  Many of us remember the bumps along the way as we adjusted to online courses during the shutdown.  Now PLATO is figuring out how to make hybrid classes work well for both online and in-person attendees.  

    As the new chair of the Curriculum Committee, I thought maybe this summer would be a good time to experience a hybrid class from both the online and in-person perspective.  I signed up for Craig Wille’s hybrid summer course book discussion on Aging as a Spiritual Practice.  I’ve attended many of Craig’s classes in the past and he was kind enough to agree to let me attend some sessions online and some in person so that I could get a feel for the overall experience from everyone’s perspective.

    Admittedly there have been some bumps with the hybrid format.  However, with a class full of people dedicated to lifelong learning and practicing the flexibility that is a cornerstone of Aging as a Spiritual Practice we have been able to make several adjustments to better the experience.

    So far, these adjustments have included:

    • ·         Asked the in-person attendees to sit closer together and then pointed the camera at them so the online folks could see the in-person folks
    • ·         The instructor and online students turned on captions so that they could read what was being said if they weren’t able to hear it perfectly
    • ·         Instructor summarizes what the in-person folks are saying as it is still hard for the online folks to hear them
    • ·         Using breakout rooms so that discussions can be more intimate, and everyone has a chance to contribute.

    Personally, I enjoyed attending both online and in-person.  In-person was nice because I had a more intimate connection with the other attendees.  I didn’t find the online group distracting but some of the other in-person attendees did so.  Online was familiar, comfortable, and worked well for discussion in the breakout room format.

    What does the future hold for hybrid classes?  Because of the many benefits of the hybrid format: (socialization and intimacy of in-person attendance, flexibility of online attendance), PLATO will continue to explore this technology.  Also, as our instructors continue to learn and adjust, we’ll start to know what type of classes lend themselves to the hybrid format and what type do not.

    I encourage you to try a hybrid class this fall – and if possible – attend both online and in-person.  You can send any feedback to the anyone on the curriculum committee or to


  • June 28, 2022 2:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Work of the Curriculum Committee

    Who guides PLATO in offering so many fascinating courses each quarter?  The Curriculum Committee! Typically, 9 or 10 PLATO CC volunteers act as liaisons to over 80 course coordinators to prepare for those courses.  Each Curriculum Committee member has volunteered to stay in touch with their assigned coordinators to make the magic happen.

    About 3 months before the start of a new semester, the Curriculum Committee contacts coordinators asking for their plans for the next term.  This is where the specifics are gathered:  when, where, class size limit, type of participation level etc.  It s all the information you see online when course schedules are announced.  A new format was introduced during the pandemic, which is offering a few hybrid courses.  This has been a learning experience for all involved as to how to make that occur.  Much patience and trial-and-error has occurred over the past two years and will continue.  The PLATO Technology Committee has also played a vital role in rolling out the course information on the website each semester.

    The two leaders of the CC are Kathie Burman, who is Chair of the Committee, and Therese Stevens, who is the PLATO Course Planner. Other Committee members include Bill Eisinger, Paula McKenzie, John Serunian, Jayne Fisher, Barb Friberg, Paul Thompson, and Kathy Brown.

    The Curriculum Committee is always looking for additional volunteers to join the team. If you are interested in learning more about the possibility of joining this Committee, please contact Kathie Burman at

  • May 03, 2022 12:59 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A Coordinator’s Perspective

    For several years now, I have been coordinating a second section of Women’s Journeys: A Writing Workshop developed by Grethe Brix-Leer.  Grethe’s class is very popular.  Class members often continue from semester to semester, leaving little room for new participants and a growing wait list.  I had the privilege of participating in Grethe’s class for several years.

    As a curriculum committee member, I was well aware of the challenge being faced by the minimal participant turnover in the class.  With assistance from Grethe, I planned and have been coordinating a second section of this course in the Spring semester.  Prior to  each class meeting, I put out a prompt for the day which participants can use to start their writing to share with the class.  If the prompt does not suit a class member, they are always free to choose their own subject.

    I have thoroughly enjoyed the enthusiasm and creativity of women who have joined my section of this course.  As we share our writing about the topic for the day, we each learn about the other members of the class and grow in appreciation.  I am regularly surprised by the variety of responses to a given topic.  I am grateful to the women who have joined me on this exploration of various dimensions of our lives.

    If you have a particular interest you would like to share with others, please contact the Curriculum Committee to learn how you can become a course coordinator.  Being a course coordinator is well worth the effort!

  • April 06, 2022 1:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

      I began participating in ----- class a semester or two before the pandemic hit. I enjoyed meeting in person around a large table, but our class is one of the few events I actually prefer online to in person. We can see each other so much more clearly and, unless there are technical problems, can hear well too. People can attend in all weather and even if they are feeling under the weather. Class has helped provide needed structure during the pandemic, doing so while we engage in reading and discussion of mysteries. What could be better? We don't get to socialize much, so when (if!) the pandemic ends it would be great to get together outside class to get to know each other better.

      Thinking over the previous couple of years, I know that Plato on-line classes have been an antidote to the scourge of old age made worse by the pandemic and winter weather:  loneliness. 

    • It provided a great reason and process for staying connected with other Madison people.
    • Without Plato classes during the pandemic, I would have had far fewer affiliation opportunities. 
    • The use of Zoom meetings has been critical and enjoyable for continuing all of my Plato classes.  One class will continue to meet on-line whenever needed (Covid, weather, etc.).  Zoom lecture based classes allow for speakers from other cities to participate without having to travel to Madison.
    • For me, Plato has been a critical part of the many people connections I am involved with during the past two years.

    I have been a member of PLATO for about 6 years, so pre-pandemic and pandemic. Meeting in person for learning and discussion seemed like it was part of the point of PLATO but now the necessity of ZOOM has informed me that remote connection (when one gets used to it) is also valuable with the plus of being able to attend if out of town or the weather is bad. Meeting in person is still preferred… but perhaps the advantages of ZOOM might make hybrid classes even better for the long term, but perhaps impractical.   I hope to attend classes in 2022, probably still remote or hybrid.  A class or 2 each “term” is about the right amount for me.

    Some PLATO classes are intellectually stimulating which is part of what I’m after. PLATO members who decide to coordinate a class are all admirable for their efforts. In my experience and according to my preferences there have been a few classes that stood out mostly because of the erudition and dedication of the coordinators. Their graciousness in sharing time and knowledge along with timely subject matter and a well-organized and developed class plan is appreciated by the many educated and experienced participants in these classes who are eager to be involved and contribute their thoughts. I am looking forward to more of this in whatever form it takes. 

    We've been Plato members for something like at least ten years.  I have only good things to say. Very stimulating and something to be looked forward to for each class. Some of the courses we took have been amongst the best courses we ever took, even in formal education. So, we're only positive about the course material and our fellow students

    I have been a member of PLATO for more than ten years. The courses ground my week. Participants are thoughtful, and the facilitators are hardworking and well organized. “Students” from a variety of backgrounds, willingly share their thoughts and stimulate new and interesting perspectives.  Although I’d be happy to have the in-person option, the virtual classes have allowed many people to see and hear more clearly, stay at home in fierce weather, and attend from a distance. All in all, a great program.  

    (I have been a member) Since either 2018 or 2019. What I enjoyed were the theater trips and outings more than the classes that were offered.

    (I) Like the ease of not going someplace to meet especially if it means going downtown and paying for parking etc. 

    I started with …. in the spring of 2020 right before in-person shut down.  I have very little in-person experience with this group.  I don't feel any personal connection by only Zoom where other things I do in-person there is more of a personal/social connection that does not exist for me with this class.  It probably does have some personal connection for people that met when the group was in person.  Another organization where I have many Zoom meetings and had in person experience with almost all of them pre Covid and that feels a lot different.  Much more socialization goes on because we personally know each other. 

    I joined PLATO to meet other people with different backgrounds than the people I already know. 

    PLATO became much more important to me after the pandemic began, since I was so much more limited in being able to see friends, socialize, and generally interact with people. It was really a kind of lifeline, especially before the vaccines were available and we were so isolated.

    The PLATO classes have helped me maintain connection socially and intellectually, especially before the vaccines were available. 

    I like the intellectual stimulation of the …. classes, as well as the social interaction with people from different backgrounds.  I will participate in classes in 2022.  Before the Omicron surge I preferred in-person classes, but I'm having second thoughts about that due to the transmissibility of the variant.

    PLATO has offered me the opportunity to get to know people from different backgrounds - people I would not have met except for the program.  I enjoy reading books I wouldn't have read on my own, and I especially enjoy hearing others' opinions and discussions of the books we've read.

    ...the program has meant a lot to me and I'm very grateful to all who donate their time and effort to making it so great.

    Coordinators have to become technical experts.  Loss of social interaction and smaller discussions with online classes.  PLATO needs to figure out a way to make in-person safe.  Does PLATO have the right to insist on vaccination and masks?   

    It’s very important to stay creative, involved, volunteer, learn – PLATO provides that opportunity.

  • March 02, 2022 4:54 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    With Dane County’s mask mandate expiring, PLATO will be updating its COVID protocols to be specific to each host site.

    Here are the details for specific host locations:

    Oakwood – masks must be worn all times and check in required

    Vista West –masks are required of all visitors and they will continue temperature checks when visitors enter the building.

    Christ Presbyterian church - masks are required throughout the building, along with social distance and no food or beverages in rooms

    Capital Lakes - on the floor with the class rooms you will not need to wear a mask – everywhere else you will need to wear a mask in the building. If you are new to their building bring a copy of your vaccination card.

    UW Space Place – March 12 mask mandate expires 

    Madison Senior Center -Individuals are encouraged to do what makes them most comfortable – wear a mask or not.  The limit of participants at tables in a room is 15 people

  • March 02, 2022 4:53 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As we contemplate starting spring 2022 PLATO classes, I have been thinking about what PLATO has meant to me since joining in February 2020.  Yes, that’s right, I joined just as the world and PLATO shut down!  I remember that I attended two weeks of classes in person and then all went dark.  But, oh, those two weeks were memorable – the warm welcomes, the stimulating discussions, the incredibly bright and educated participants and coordinators!  For a brief moment in time, I had found my retirement Disneyland and then it was gone.

    But wait! Those crazy, innovative, PLATO volunteers on the Curriculum, Technology, and Executive committees as well as persistent, dedicated, class coordinators found a way to bring the PLATO Curriculum back online (Don’t you just love a play on words?  Of course, you do, you are a PLATO member!) A lifeline was thrown, and I grabbed on as fast and as tight as possible.  

    I’m still holding on to that lifeline as I spend the winter in Arizona.  While it’s not possible to be grateful for COVID, I am continually grateful that PLATO courses are online and that our dedicated class coordinators that have been willing to become technical online meeting experts. And that some of these selfless coordinators have continued to offer their courses year-round as the pandemic drags on and on and on……….

    But, speaking of dragging on and on – enough about me.  Okay wait, one more thing.  Since I am a member of the curriculum committee, I should probably say something about the curriculum.  More in the form of a question – don’t you just love when the new semester course schedule gets posted?  Wait, what?  You mean I can enroll in any of these?  OMG – there are so many – and they all sound so good – and I love this instructor – but this class is at the same time and really, really intrigues me.  What SHALL I do (hand to forehead)!

    I apologize, I do tend to get animated.  Just ask anyone in the Wednesday AM current events class when we discuss any space related topics.  Some people call me the Space Cowboy but so far no one has called me the Gangster of Love. 

  • March 02, 2022 4:52 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    PLATO is “where love of learning never gets old”. Our courses, coordinators, and participants contribute to this idea in a significant way. Members bring to the courses many different experiences and opinions.

    But in our present day polarized society sometimes it is hard to listen to opinions that are opposite to our own deeply held views.  We strive to make PLATO courses a space where members can discuss diverse viewpoints. Through these discussions we continue to learn from each other and expand or clarify our views.  So, we ask everyone one to:

    • Welcome the outside perspectives even if they are different than yours.
    • Be serious listeners and be courteous to all members and their opinions.

    If you are in Virtual course, remember that if your microphone and video are on, participants in the class can see and hear you.  So please turn off your microphone and your video when you are not participating in the class.

    Thank you for helping PLATO courses be a pleasant experience for all.

    Curriculum Committee

PLATO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supported in part by:

Facebook: @platomadison


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Madison, WI 53705

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