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Spring 2023 Course Schedule


To register for a course, please email or call the course coordinator.

Printable Course Listing

Printable Spring 2023 Course List (PDF)
Revised February 20, 2023

Course Details

Click on a course title below to view detailed information about the course.








1 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Classic Film Discussion Tobey and Wes Marsceill Virtual
2 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Reading US History, Jill Lepore, These Truths: A History of the US, Part 2 Michael Stevens Virtual
3 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CANCELLED: Experiencing Great English Literature Phil Paulson Madison Senior Center
4 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pathways to a Sustainable Planet Richard Steeves Virtual
5 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Imagination Drawing Heather C. Williams Virtual
6 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Money Skills for Retirees Tom Eggert Virtual
7 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Novels New and Old Carol Spiegel Hybrid - Vista West
8 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Exploring Creativity Karen Wulff Christ Presbyterian Church
9 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Re-fighting the Civil War Daryl Sherman Virtual







1 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Biography Chuck Pils, Mary Becker Vista West
2 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Conservative Thought Jack Mitchell Virtual
3 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Short Stories and Essays Irv Klibaner Covenant Presbyterian Church
4 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Jazz Toni Jakovec Wisconsin Bank and Trust

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Badgers Behaving Badly: History and Mystery in Wisconsin Helene Androski Christ Presbyterian Church
6 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM CANCELLED: New York Times The Ethicist & Social Q's Discussion Group Tobey and Wes Marceill Virtual








1 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM The Four Foundations Of Mindfulness Craig Wille Hybrid - Vista West
2 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Current Events AM Mert Corwin Virtual
3 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Continuing Philosophy Ed Cothroll, Bill Colwell, John Miller Virtual
4 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Global Affairs and the Media Leon Lindberg, Steve Hirsch, Kirk Elliott Hybrid - Capitol Lakes
5 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Observational Drawing Heather C. Williams Virtual
6 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Current Events PM Meg Taylor Virtual
7 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Frontiers in Life Science Tom Zinnen UW Space Place
8 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Writing Workshop - WED Andy Millman Virtual
9 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Film History: The Early Fifties Jim O'Brien Oakwood Village West







1 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM What in the World Happened Chuck Pils Vista West
2 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CANCELLED: Women's Journeys to Self Acceptance Paula McKenzie Virtual
3 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM American Civil Rights Movements: 1968 to 2023 Tim Otis Covenant Presbyterian Church
4 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Writing Workshop - THURS Andy Millman Virtual
5 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM The Musical Evolution of the Beatles 1962 - 1970 Joseph Koykkar Oakwood Village West
6 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM The Play's the Thing Tess Mulroney Madison Senior Center
7 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM We Love a Mystery Barbara Evens Virtual








1 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Man of La Mancha John and Jan Kinar Virtual
2 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM PLATO Travel Annette Bollig, Kevin Bollig, Lois Baseler, Linn Roth Capitol Lakes
3 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM How Did Jesus Become God? (Part One) Tom Schlicht Madison Senior Center
4 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Ontology Book Club Heather C. Williams Virtual




M1 Return to top

Classic Film Discussion


Name  Email Phone
Tobey and Wes Marsceill 954-695-2778

Course Description

This class meets virtually to discuss a film selected primarily from Turner Classic Movies (TCM) shown the previous week and watched at your convenience in your own home. Participants will be invited to join the Google Meet site via email the morning of the discussion. Some movies may be shown off-hours so participants should have the ability to record/tape/or stream movies to fully participate. Please contact Tobey Marsceill via email to register.

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Monday
Meeting Time 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Start Date February, 20 2023
End Date May 22, 2023
No Course Dates April 10, 2023
Participation Regular reading/discussion expected
Class Size 35
# of Sessions 13
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



M2 Return to top

Reading US History, Jill Lepore, These Truths: A History of the US, Part 2


Name  Email Phone
Michael Stevens 608-215-4887

Course Description

This is the second part of a course begun in Fall 2022 in which we will read and discuss the second half (1866-2017) of Jill Lepore’s highly acclaimed Theses Truths: A History of the United States. Priority in admission will be given to those who have already read and discussed chapters 1-8 in Part 1. Lepore introduces us to people and events that help us discuss her central question: when has America succeeded and when has it failed to live up to those “self-evident truths”? Participants should come prepared at the first session to discuss Chapter 9.

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Monday
Meeting Time 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Start Date March 6, 2023
End Date April 24, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation Regular reading/discussion expected
Class Size 15
# of Sessions 8
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions
Syllabus These Truths Syllabus.pdf
Coordinator Bio Michael Stevens Bio.pdf



M3 Return to top

CANCELLED: Experiencing Great English Literature


Name  Email Phone
Phil Paulson 608-318-1567

Course Description

Our course will discuss a novel, poetry and a play. The novel is William Faulkner’s The Hamlet, which is the first novel of Faulkner’s Snopes Trilogy. The Hamlet is both an ironic take on classic tragedy and a mordant commentary on the grand pretensions of the antebellum South and the depth of its decay after the war and Reconstruction. Suggested text: First Vintage International edition, pub. in Oct. 1991. ISBN 0-679-73653-0 (the corrected text). Poetry will be chosen by class members from The Seashell Anthology of Great Poetry, ed. Christopher Burns. We will choose our play during the first two sessions.

Location Madison Senior Center
Meeting Day Monday
Meeting Time 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Start Date February 20, 2023
End Date April 24, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation Regular reading/discussion expected
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions 



M4 Return to top

Pathways to a Sustainable Planet


Name  Email Phone
Richard Steeves 608-833-5586

Course Description

This discussion group focuses on the challenges we face as we adapt to a sustainable society. We examine the consequences of our current path; acidification of the oceans, rising sea levels, migration, increasing temperature, etc. And we explore how these consequences of climate change could be mitigated by using carbon-free energy sources. We’ll learn about opportunities afforded by nuclear and other carbon-free forms of energy and their effects on electrical distribution, as well as our own food choices, and how we promote biodiversity. We will take a field trip on April 3, 2023 to 4151 Nakoosa Trail.

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Monday
Meeting Time 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Start Date February 20, 2023
End Date April 24, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation High participation with assignments and/or possible presentations by participants
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions
Syllabus Pathways to a Sustainable Planet Sylabus.pdf
Coordinator Video



M5 Return to top

Imagination Drawing


Name  Email Phone
Heather C. Williams 760-213-6060

Course Description

In this class you will explore your heart’s wisdom with drawing exercises that I presented around the world for twelve years for the Louise Hay International Teacher Training. You will learn that you have within you all the resources you need to do what you came here to do, to express your talents and abilities, to improve the quality of your life, to change old patterns, to fulfill your dreams. Drawing is a sacred activity because it connects your conscious mind, unconscious mind and supra-conscious mind. This class offers lecture and drawing exercises.

Heather's book, Drawing As a Sacred Activity, was published in 2002 and is available at many book stores and public libraries.

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Monday
Meeting Time 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Start Date February 20, 2023
End Date April 24, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation High participation with assignments and/or possible presentations by participants
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions
Coordinator Bio Who Is Heather.pdf
Coordinator Video



M6 Return to top

Money Skills for Retirees


Name  Email Phone
Tom Eggert --

Course Description

Retirees have different financial challenges than younger people. In general, we are no longer saving for retirement, but we are continuing to grow and use the money that we saved. We’ll cover topics such as the importance of diversification, taxes and retirement, investment decision-making, handling retirement fund distributions, creating qualified charitable distributions, investing outside the market, creating a personal investment plan and using tools (like the Morningstar rankings) in making investment decisions. The class is designed so that we’ll learn just as much from the experiences of our classmates as we will from guest speakers. We plan to have 13 sessions each semester with a mix of presentations, guest speakers and reviews of our investing successes and failures.

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Monday
Meeting Time 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Start Date February 6, 2023
End Date May 1, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation Regular reading/discussion expected
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 13
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



M7 Return to top

Novels New and Old


Name  Email Phone
Carol Spiegel 608-206-3623

Course Description

During the Spring session 2023 we will discuss the following novels: (Feb 20, 27) The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett; (March 6, 13) Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters; (March 20) Summer by Edith Wharton; (March 27, April 3) The Sweetness of Water by Nathan Harris; (April 10) Matrix by Lauren Groff; and (April 17, 24) American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins

Location Hybrid - Vista West
Meeting Day Monday
Meeting Time 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Start Date February 20, 2023
End Date April 24, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation High participation with assignments and/or possible presentations by participants
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



M8 Return to top

Exploring Creativity


Name  Email Phone
Karen Wulff 608-770-8408

Course Description

This class is an ongoing workshop where individuals work on their personal art goals in a sharing environment. Participants can exchange knowledge and offer “gentle” feedback to each other if they want to. Bring the supplies you will need for your own project. We are fortunate to use this space. Come and make a commitment to yourself to do art at least two hours per week. Join a group of people who enjoy working on their art together in a peaceful and supportive environment.

Location Christ Presbyterian Church
Meeting Day Monday
Meeting Time 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Start Date February, 20 2023
End Date April, 24 2023
No Course Dates
Participation High participation with assignments and/or possible presentations by participants
Class Size 10
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



M9 Return to top

Re-fighting the Civil War


Name  Email Phone
Daryl Sherman N/A

Course Description

To start we will continue with a Great Course on Robert E. Lee and His High Command, which we completed the first half of last semester. After finishing this we will take up another Great Course called Mr. Lincoln: The Life of Abraham Lincoln and this will complete the term. Each lecture is 30 minutes, then we will break and then I will lead discussion and take questions.

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Monday
Meeting Time 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Start Date January 9, 2023
End Date April 24, 2023
No Course Dates The class will not meet during the month of March
Participation Regular reading/discussion expected
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 12
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



T1 Return to top



Name  Email Phone
Chuck Pils 608-772-8575
Mary Becker 608-395-9450

Course Description

We are biography readers who enjoy sharing our experiences. Presentations are participants’ responsibility. It is optional for participants to do a presentation. We look at biographies of widely different people in various contexts – historical, political, show business, environmentalists, etc.

Location Vista West
Meeting Day Tuesday
Meeting Time 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Start Date February 21, 2022
End Date April 25, 2022
No Course Dates
Participation High participation with assignments and/or possible presentations by participants
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions
Coordinator Video



T2 Return to top

Conservative Thought


Name  Email Phone
Jack Mitchell 608-274-6903

Course Description

“Conservative Thought” is not an oxymoron. Many of us in Madison simply write off conservatives as unthinking, but a rich tradition underlies their views. In an age of extreme political polarization, it behooves everyone to seek to understand the thinking of those who understand the world differently. This course will trace the multiple, and sometimes contradictory, currents of conservative thinking from John Locke and Edmund Burke to Donald Trump. It should constitute an interesting and illuminating journey, whatever your political views.

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Tuesday
Meeting Time 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Start Date February 21, 2023
End Date April 11, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation Regular reading/discussion expected
Class Size 16
# of Sessions 8
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions
Syllabus Conservative Thought Syllabus.pdf



T3 Return to top

Short Stories and Essays


Name  Email Phone
Irv Klibaner 608-274-4089

Course Description

For those who love reading and discussion, this is the perfect entertainment. One hour each is devoted to a short story and an essay. There is always a lively, opinionated, and friendly atmosphere with a welcome for all participants. Come join us as we delve into the ever-fascinating world of short stories and essays created by some of the best writers who have put pen to paper. Texts to be used: Best American Short Stories 2021 and Best American Essays 2021.

Location Covenant Presbyterian Church
Meeting Day Tuesday
Meeting Time 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Start Date February 21, 2023
End Date April 25, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation High participation with assignments and/or possible presentations by participants
Class Size 15
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



T4 Return to top



Name  Email Phone
Toni Jakovec --

Course Description

We are a congenial group of jazz enthusiasts ranging from eager newcomers to seasoned aficionados. All jazz genres are thoughtfully presented through class participation, documentaries and visiting jazz musicians and scholars. We welcome all levels of jazz knowledge and no musical skills are required.

Location Wisconsin Bank and Trust
Meeting Day Tuesday
Meeting Time 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Start Date February 21, 2023
End Date April 25, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation We encourage class participation. There are no assignments, however, your enthusiasm is deeply appreciated and presentations are welcome.
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



T5 Return to top

Badgers Behaving Badly: History and Mystery in Wisconsin


Name  Email Phone
Helene Androski 608-335-5105

Course Description

In this class we will armchair travel through our own state through the medium of mystery fiction. We’ll start in the southwest with Kathleen Ernst’s Mining for Justice, then move to the Driftless Area with John Galligan’s Bad Axe County, then on to Door County with Patricia Skalka’s Death at Gill’s Rock, and end up in Milwaukee with Lesley Kagen’s Whistling in the Dark. We’ll assess these books for what they can tell us about Wisconsin and for how well they work as mysteries.

Discounted books can be found at Mystery to Me bookstore, online at, and other locations.

Location Christ Presbyterian Church
Meeting Day Tuesday
Meeting Time

2:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Start Date March 7, 2023
End Date March 28, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation High participation with assignments and/or possible presentations by participants
Class Size 25
# of Sessions 4
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



T6 Return to top

CANCELLED: New York Times The Ethicist & Social Q's Discussion Group


Name  Email Phone
Tobey and Wes Marceill 954-695-2778

Course Description

Virtual meetings to discuss the Ethicist column and Social Q's column published in the New York Times from the previous Sunday and Thursday respectively. Participant access to the New York Times is required. (The New York Times is available in libraries.) Participants will be invited to join the Google Meet via email the evening of the discussion. Please contact Tobey Marsceill via email to register.

NOTE: This is an evening course, begins at 7:30 pm and ends at 8:30 pm.

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Tuesday
Meeting Time 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Start Date February, 21 2023
End Date April, 25 2023
No Course Dates
Participation Regular reading/discussion expected
Class Size 15
# of Sessions 10
Registration Note: This course has been cancelled.



W1 Return to top

The Four Foundations Of Mindfulness


Name  Email Phone
Craig Wille 608-692-3163

Course Description

The Satipatthana Sutta  – The Foundations of Mindfulness Sutta – is generally regarded as the fundamental canonical Buddhist text with the fullest instructions on the system of meditation unique to the Buddha’s practice and teaching. The practice of Satipatthana meditation centers on the faculty of mindfulness. The sutta seeks to present the tremendous, but generally hidden, power inherent in this simple mental function – a power that can unfold all the mind's potentials, culminating in final deliverance from suffering.

This class includes video discussions of the sutra by noted dharma teacher Gil Fronsdal, with time for discussion and questions by class participants.

Location Hybrid - Vista West
Meeting Day Wednesday
Meeting Time 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Start Date February 22, 2023
End Date April 19, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation Regular reading/discussion expected
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 9
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



W2 Return to top

Current Events AM


Name  Email Phone
Mert Corwin 608-774-3403

Course Description

This class will discuss hot and current events at the local, national and international levels. Some topics will be very current and others will be ongoing issues. Topics will be determined each week at the start of the session. All viewpoints are encouraged. The format will be very casual and interactive. Participants are encouraged to share relevant links with the group throughout the week for discussion.

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Wednesday
Meeting Time 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Start Date February 22, 2023
End Date April 26, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation Some reading/discussion expected
Class Size 20
# of Sessions 10

Required, email thecoordinator for instructions



W3 Return to top

Continuing Philosophy


Name  Email Phone
Ed Cothroll 608-831-4493
Bill Colwell 847-830-1501
John Miller 317-430-1111

Course Description

We will be reading and discussing the book The Dream of Reason: A History of Western Philosophy from the Greeks to the Renaissance, by Anthony Gottlieb, August 30, 2016, by W. W. Norton & Company. The book is available in paperback or eBook formats. This is a highly acclaimed summary of Western philosophy written in the author’s engaging style. In this course, we will review learnings from the book but also engage in spirited discussion relating these philosophical concepts to the world around us.

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Wednesday
Meeting Time 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Start Date February 22, 2023
End Date April 26, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation Regular reading/discussion expected
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



W4 Return to top

Global Affairs and the Media


Name  Email Phone
Leon Lindberg 608-238-9000
Steve Hirsch 608-347-5810
Kirk Elliott 608-255-5646
James Danowski 630-726-6442

Course Description

We focus on international events and concerns, addressing American issues only as they relate to the rest of the world. An invited speaker or a member of the group will make a presentation of about 40 minutes followed by your questions and comments for perhaps 20 minutes. We'll then discuss items of interest that members have brought to the meeting (members are invited to bring a news clipping or summary of an item of interest). By attracting remote speakers, we hope to increase our exposure to high-quality sources of news and information.

Location & Syllabus Hybrid - Capitol Lakes, Syllabus
Meeting Day Wednesday
Meeting Time 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Start Date February 22, 2023
End Date April 26, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation No reading to minimal reading
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



W5 Return to top

Observational Drawing


Name  Email Phone
Heather C. Williams 760-213-6060

Course Description

In this class you will explore my unique approach to perception and observational drawing that I learned during my 5-year art apprenticeship with Norwegian artist, Jan Valentin Saether. You will learn my 5 Keys to observational drawing and whether you are a beginner or an advanced artist, you will gain a new way of seeing the world around you. Drawing is the core method of researching, investigating, developing and communicating ideas. Today, drawing is viewed as an essential skill for everyone. It is a sacred activity because it engages your mind, your heart and your unique point of view!

This course includes lecture and drawing exercises. Heather's book, Drawing As a Sacred Activity, was published in 2002 and is available at all book stores and public libraries.

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Wednesday
Meeting Time 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Start Date February 22, 2023
End Date April 26, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation High participation with assignments and/or possible presentations by participants
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions
Coordinator Bio Who Is Heather.pdf
Coordinator Video



W6 Return to top

Current Events PM


Name  Email Phone
Meg Taylor 608-369-3578

Course Description

This is an in-depth discussion course on current events in Wisconsin, the United States and the World. Course members choose the topics and lead and moderate a discussion or two. We email readings and website links prior to each discussion. Each presenter may invite a guest with some first-hand knowledge or experience on the topic for the discussion.

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Wednesday
Meeting Time 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Start Date February 22, 2023
End Date May 3, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation High participation with assignments and/or possible presentations by participants
Class Size 25
# of Sessions 11
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



W7 Return to top

Frontiers in Life Science


Name  Email Phone
Tom Zinnen 571-294-5689

Course Description

This class will bring us to the “cutting edge” of scientific research. Each week a different researcher or science expert reports and discusses his or her innovations, inventions and/or discoveries. The UW Biotechnology Outreach Directory has brought a variety of researchers to this class over the past several years. Topics have included: bird flu, heart disease, cancer, aging, stem cells, DNA sequencing, nanotechnology and others. You will be able to discuss your questions and concerns with these science experts each week.

Location UW Space Place
Meeting Day Wednesday
Meeting Time 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Start Date February 22, 2023
End Date April 26, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation No reading to minimal reading
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



W8 Return to top

Writing Workshop - WED


Name  Email Phone
Andy Millman 847-275-6251

Course Description

The scariest moment is always just before you start.” Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. Whether you've yet to write the first word or you’re polishing that manuscript, our writers’ group will provide you with the feedback, structure and support you need to both get started and push forward. All writers are welcome, regardless of your experience or the type of writing you wish to pursue.

Andy Millman’s writing has appeared in several outlets, including “Whistling Shade,” “Points in Case,” “Midwest Review,” “The Big Jewel,” “Zest Literary Journal,” “Black Heart Magazine,” “Flash Fiction Magazine,” “The Helix,” and “Pif Magazine.”

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Wednesday
Meeting Time 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Start Date February 22, 2023
End Date April 26, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation Regular reading/discussion expected
Class Size 14
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



W9 Return to top

Film History: The Early Fifties


Name  Email Phone
Jim O'Brien 608-286-1946

Course Description

This semester we watch and discuss classic films, both light and dark, which showcase brilliant new talents – Audrey Hepburn, Guiletta Massina, Judy Holliday, and Marilyn Monroe. Wide-screen Panavision and Technicolor meet the challenge of television's growing popularity. And, for variety, we include three foreign classics including, arguably, the greatest film ever made. Ingmar Bergman makes an atypical comedy. Stay tuned: you be the judge.

Location Oakwood Village West
Meeting Day Wednesday
Meeting Time 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Start Date February 22, 2023
End Date April 26, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation No reading to minimal reading
Class Size 40
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



TH1 Return to top

What in the World Happened


Name  Email Phone
Chuck Pils 608-772-8575

Course Description

This course is made up of presentations on eclectic historical topics of interest. Topics include natural disasters, historical battles, assassinations, political events, etc. Presentations last 45 minutes to an hour (or more, depending upon presenter and topic), with time remaining for questions and answers. Enthusiastic Q&A’s are the norm. Topics this semester are determined by the group.

Location Vista West
Meeting Day Thursday
Meeting Time 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Start Date February 23, 2023
End Date April 27, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation High participation with assignments and/or possible presentations by participants
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions
Coordinator Video



TH2 Return to top

CANCELLED: Women's Journeys to Self Acceptance


Name  Email Phone
Paula McKenzie 608-712-0388

Course Description

Writing journals and memoirs helps you shape your life story while also clarifying what it has meant to you. This class will use prompts to help you enter into your writing as a stepping-stone toward deeper self-awareness. These prompts are meant as suggestions, and class members are free to modify them if they so choose. The class will continue to build a sense of community based on trust, active listening and discussion in an open, non-judgmental atmosphere. Discussions are based on members’ writings, and all sharing is voluntary and respectful of each person’s privacy.

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Thursday
Meeting Time 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Start Date February 23, 2023
End Date April 13, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation High participation with assignments and/or possible presentations by participants
Class Size 15
# of Sessions 8
Registration Note: This course has been cancelled.



TH3 Return to top

American Civil Rights Movements: 1968 to 2023


Name  Email Phone
Tim Otis 608-233-1050

Course Description

By 1968 the civil rights movement was fragmented and in disarray. This course will explore the ways the movements have evolved since 1968. Topics will include the gay rights movements, women’s liberation movement, affirmative action and push back by conservative religion, racists, as well as white indifference, the impact of systemic racism, ADA and the rights of people with disabilities, immigration, wealth inequality, and recently, marriage equality, gender identity, BLM, Me Too movements, and the overturning of Roe/reproductive rights. Both the success and challenges will be explored.

There are assigned readings – please only sign up if you are willing to attend at least 8 sessions and actively participate in discussions.                  

Location Covenant Presbyterian Church
Meeting Day Thursday
Meeting Time 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Start Date February 23, 2023
End Date April 27, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation Regular reading/discussion expected
Class Size 15
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions
Syllabus American Civil Rights Movements syllabus.pdf



TH4 Return to top

Writing Workshop - THURS


Name  Email Phone
Andy Millman 847-275-6251

Course Description

The scariest moment is always just before you start.” Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. Whether you've yet to write the first word or you’re polishing that manuscript, our writers’ group will provide you with the feedback, structure and support you need to both get started and push forward. All writers are welcome, regardless of your experience or the type of writing you wish to pursue.

Andy Millman’s writing has appeared in several outlets, including “Whistling Shade,” “Points in Case,” “Midwest Review,” “The Big Jewel,” “Zest Literary Journal,” “Black Heart Magazine,” “Flash Fiction Magazine,” “The Helix,” and “Pif Magazine.”

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Thursday
Meeting Time 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Start Date February 23, 2023
End Date April 27, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation Regular reading/discussion expected
Class Size 14
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



TH5 Return to top

The Musical Evolution of the Beatles 1962 - 1970


Name  Email Phone
Joseph Koykkar 608-276-9448

Course Description

This course will highlight how the popular music group, The Beatles, changed the music of the last half of the 20th century. A general study of what makes their music so unique and groundbreaking will be emphasized.

I am a professional musician and composer who has known the music of the Beatles since 1964. I have performed much of their catalog. I also incorporated their music in courses I taught.                   

Location Oakwood Village West
Meeting Day Thursday
Meeting Time 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Start Date February 23, 2023
End Date April 13, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation No reading to minimal reading
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 8
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions
Coordinator Video



TH6 Return to top

The Play's the Thing


Name  Email Phone
Tess Mulroney 608-257-5595

Course Description

Each semester we read aloud and discuss three or four plays using an integrated approach which allows everyone to participate. Participant volunteers will each present a brief background of each play and playwright before reading begins. This semester we will choose from “Born Yesterday”, “Member of the Wedding”, “Sweet Bird of Youth”, “Twelfth Night” and “Clybourne Park”.

Location Madison Senior Center
Meeting Day Thursday
Meeting Time 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Start Date February 23, 2023
End Date April 27, 2023
No Course Dates
Class Size 15
# of Sessions 10
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



TH7 Return to top

We Love a Mystery


Name  Email Phone
Barbara Evens 608-833-6822

Course Description

This class meets every two weeks (every other week) to discuss and critique contemporary mystery novels. Members take turns leading the discussion focusing on the author, settings, characters, plot development, and conclusion. Readings are chosen at the end of each semester for the next semester. Novels can be found in the South Central Library System.

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Thursday
Meeting Time 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Start Date February 23, 2023
End Date May 4, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation High participation with assignments and/or possible presentations by participants
Class Size 18
# of Sessions 7
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



F1 Return to top

Man of La Mancha


Name  Email Phone
John and Jan Kinar 608-238-2826

Course Description

This semester we will read Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes. We follow the adventures of Don Quixote and his squire, Sancho Panza, in the Man of La Mancha’s quest to revive chivalry.

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Friday
Meeting Time 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Start Date February 24, 2023
End Date May 5, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation High participation with assignments and/or possible presentations by participants
Class Size 14
# of Sessions 11
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



F2 Return to top

PLATO Travel

Name  Email Phone
Annette Bollig 267-303-1328
Kevin Bollig 267-303-1328
Lois Baseler 608-220-1840
Linn Roth 608-238-2297

Course Description

PLATO Travel Group participants are adventurous, curious, and excited to share their experiences and information from trips all over the planet. Members present travelogues of their adventures and information on their destinations in a friendly atmosphere where exchange and discussion are welcome. The group compiles information on various travel companies and tips for specific trips, and members socialize and explore trip materials during a mid-presentation break. We encourage members to bring friends interested in a trip topic and/or joining PLATO, and armchair travelers are always welcome!                  

Location Capitol Lakes
Meeting Day Friday
Meeting Time 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Start Date February 24, 2023
End Date May 12, 2023
No Course Dates April 7, 2023
Participation No reading to minimal reading
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 11
Registration Not required, but contact to be included on email list and receive notices. No need to re-register if already on the list. 
Syllabus PLATO Travel Club Syllabus.pdf



F3 Return to top

How Did Jesus Become God? (Part One)


Name  Email Phone
Tom Schlicht 608-831-6593

Course Description

In this course, we will watch Bart Ehrman's DVD lectures, How Jesus Became God, and read handouts connected to them. Ehrman traces Jesus' disciples' belief that he was raised from the dead to Nicea's proclamation that Jesus was fully and completely God. He also addresses how historians approach this subject and what science can tell us about visions, including those of Jesus and/or Mary experienced by Paul, the disciples and others. Lively discussion guaranteed!

Note: Participants asked to pay $15 for materials.

Location Madison Senior Center
Meeting Day Friday
Meeting Time 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Start Date February 17, 2023
End Date April 28, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation Some reading/discussion expected
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 11
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions



F4 Return to top

Ontology Book Club


Name  Email Phone
Heather C. Williams 760-213-606

Course Description

This a continuation of the course that started in the Winter Semester.  We will continue to explore the book, Self Observation, by Red Hawk, also known as Robert Moore, poet and professor at the University of Arkansas. There are 140 pages and 20 chapters. We read and discuss one chapter a week, so this course will continue into PLATO's Spring Session. This book offers a clear, simple, powerful guidance in the essential work we each must do to move forward in our life. One of my mentors said this: “You cannot do anything about anything in your world if you think it is outside of you.” The Ontology Book Club offers individuals the opportunity to practice the essential tool to "knowing thyself".

Location Virtual
Meeting Day Friday
Meeting Time 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Start Date January 13, 2023
End Date May 26, 2023
No Course Dates
Participation Some reading/discussion expected
Class Size No limit
# of Sessions 6
Registration Required, contact coordinator for instructions
Coordinator Bio Who Is Heather.pdf

PLATO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supported in part by:

Facebook: @platomadison


6209 Mineral Point Road #203
Madison, WI 53705

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