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  • Afternoon Tour: The Henry Vilas Zoo

Afternoon Tour: The Henry Vilas Zoo

  • August 26, 2015
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Henry Vilas Zoo - Under the Tent
  • 2


Registration Fee:
$12.00 Member
$22.00 Guest

Note: Members must register their own Guests.

Join PLATO friends on a docent-led tour of our very own Henry Vilas Zoo.  We’ll view the playful polar bears siblings and grizzly sisters as they romp their new Arctic Passage quarters.  From the newly arrived Somali wild asses and the red panda to the clever Bornean orangutans and hear about the modern zoo’s role in preserving species not only in captivity but in the wild.  We’ll visit the two-year old animal health center, a state-of-the-art veterinary care unit.  Ask questions, learn, and when you’re ready to just sit and observe, there’s no better place.  Pack a lunch or pick up something from the new Glacier Grille.

Zoo Maps and links:

An online map of the zoo includes parking areas.  A printable version of the map is also available.

For more information, check out the Vilas Zoo website:

What's new at the zoo?:

If you haven't been to the Vilas Zoo this year, then you're in for a treat.  The Zoo has added the following animals since September, 2014.:


6/26/15 Zoo Welcomes Somali Wild Ass

4/23/15 Birth of Baby Orangutan

2/26/15 New Polar Bears for Arctic Passage Exhibit

9/3/14 Two Grizzly Sisters to Be New Residents in Arctic Passage





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Madison, WI 53705

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