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September 05, 2022 8:24 PM | Deleted user

DID YOU KNOW? for March 15 - 28, 2022:  

Did You Know… Ellen Eglin, born in Washington, D.C in 1849, worked as a government clerk, and for a while as a housekeeper. However she earned a place in history books as the inventor in of the clothes wringer, a laundry aid that used 2 rollers and a crank handle to squeeze out excess water and noticeably sped-up clothes washing and drying in the late 19th century.

As a Black woman, Eglin couldn’t get a patent on her own in 1888, so she sold the rights to her invention to an agent for just $18, and made no further profit from her brainchild. In an 1891 interview Eglin indicated another reason she didn’t try for a patent on her invention, saying, “…if it was known that a negro woman patented the invention, white ladies would not buy the wringer.”

Eglin’s wringer design was later manufactured and very successfully marketed for decades by the American Wringer Company.

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