MAY 6: The Birds & the Bees: How To Get Involved in Citizen Science through Your Garden A garden can be home to birds, animals, pollinators, and many other living things. Jessica Ross, a Research Specialist at UW-Madison will discuss how you can use the citizen science practices and principles to observe, monitor and document garden life -- for your own records and to contribute data to a project.
To watch or not to watch? That is the question! We have 2 Shakespearean options on the Virtual Theater Trips page to choose from: Romeo and Juliet, the PBS Great Performances/National Theatre contemporary production, updated with actors from The Crown and Fargo, and Measure for Measure, the Goodman Theatre's 2013 production.
NEW May 11: Walk the Camrock Trail along Koshkonong Creek. This is the first of the local walks planned for this year. As we cautiously resume this outdoor activity, capacity will be limited to allow for social distancing. Face masks will be required. The Walk's information page contains details about our Covid safety protocols.
NEW June 11: Walk the Olin-Turville Conservancy Park. A natural gem on the shores of Lake Monona, this is the second of our planned walks. Capacity will be limited to allow for social distancing. Face masks will be required. The Walk's information page contains details about our COVID safety protocols.