PLATO Weekly Update
May 18, 2021
Election Results and Annual Report
The annual election is now completed. Congratulations to the PLATO Officers and 2 new At-Large Directors, Dory Christensen and Mike Kernats, who were recently elected. The PLATO Board is composed of 5 officers, standing committee chairpersons, and 5 At-Large Directors.
In lieu of an annual meeting, please see the President’s Report for fiscal year 2021. Read how PLATO committees and members learned to adapt to the reality of a pandemic while remaining true to our tagline: PLATO, where love of learning never gets old.
SUMMER COURSE REGISTRATION CONTINUES! Details for Summer are on the Courses Page.
Our Lecture series will be back in September. In the meantime members can access Past Recordings and take advantage of the Self-Guided Walk in Madison's Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood or one of the Self-Guided Bicycling Routes around Madison.
View all the theater options here: Virtual Theater Trips.
Each week, we offer for your enjoyment, a featured piece from contributors to PLATO's Agora arts and ideas journal.
This week's featured work, Margaret Mary (A Lullaby) by George Faunce, includes a reading of the poem plus the author's encouragement to personalize it if you'd like to share the poem/lullaby with a child.
LAST Virtual Breakfast - this Friday, May 21 from 9:30 to 10:30 am. Click below for more information and the link to join the online gathering.
We'll resume in-person breakfasts at The University Club sometime this fall.
SOCIAL JUSTICE EVENTS & READINGS Suggested readings, films, activities, and podcasts.
Select from a range of topics and formats for your Spring-time reading, viewing, or listening, curated by PLATO's Diversity Awareness Committee. May highlights include a new featured book that grew from a popular YouTube series.