Join us for Harvey the second play in our Milwaukee Rep bus trip series. Harvey will feature Rep Associate Artists Jonathan Gillard Daly, Laura Gordon, James Pickering, and Deborah Staples. Many of which will be familiar from their APT and Forward Theater performances. Harvey is the Rep’s holiday offering and will be great fun.
Written by Mary Chase, Directed by KJ Sanchez Producer Judy Hansen
Classic hijinks and droll banter – an unbeatable holiday treat!
Elwood P. Dowd has a friend in Harvey - a six-foot-tall rabbit “pooka,” visible only to him. Elwood’s behavior relating to his invisible friend is a constant source of frustration for his long-suffering family. When his social-climbing sister attempts to have him committed to an asylum, she learns she’d rather have Elwood just as he is - caring, genial, at peace with the world and his place in it - than turn him into something he’s not. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, and made famous by Jimmy Stewart’s performance in the iconic 1950 film, Harvey is the perfect comedy for the holiday season!
"real charm... guileless simplicity... cast(s) a satisfying spell”
– The New York Times“
1. Audio: Learn more about Harvey from Artistic Director, Mark Clements
2. Video: Clips form the Broadway production in 2012
The Milwaukee Rep’s production of Harvey opens November 18. The running time is approximately two hours.
Please note that we will have excellent theater seating in middle sections 3 and 4 facing center stage.
Non-Member Policy: Non-members may registration for PLATO bus trips only as a guest of a PLATO member. Each PLATO member is entitled to bring one non-member guest per bus trip.
Non-member guests pay an additional $15.00 registration fee. (PLATO Member Rate: $60.00/year. Membership forms are available on the bus.)
Accessibility Policy: Milwaukee Rep’s Powerhouse Theater is handicapped accessible. Our seats will be in the orchestra section where each row is a step down with handrail support. On the Badger Bus, you must be able to climb steps to board and exit the bus. If you need assistance, we recommend that you bring a friend to give you a hand.
Registration Limit: 56
PLATO Member Cost:
$59.00 Lunch is on your own $74.00 Lunch is on your own
Guest of a Member Cost:
$74.00 with Rep Speaker Luncheon $89.00 with Rep Speaker Luncheon
Cost includes Rep ticket, Badger Bus travel w/Wi-Fi access. The Rep’s Speaker Luncheon is a $15.00 option.
The Rep Speaker Matinee Lunch is a buffet consisting of soup du jour, mixed green salad, seasonal fruit, assorted finger sandwiches (egg salad, ham & cheese, tuna salad + 1 chef’s choice), warm rolls, and assorted cookies and bars. Beverages include regular and decaf coffee and assorted teas. It is held in the adjoining Intercontinental Hotel, Cash bar is available. Lunch will be served buffet style from 11:30 AM to 12:45 PM. A member of the Rep’s creative team will discuss a particular feature of the production. Cost is $15.00.
Rep In-Depth – an optional, but highly recommended, lively and informative 30 minute pre-talk which starts 45 minutes before every performance in the Quadracci Powerhouse Theater and runs from 12:45 PM to 1:15 PM. It is free and you can drop in any time during the course of the talk. This popular series is sure to enhance your theater-going experience with background information about the play you are about to see. Come and join us and all of the other audience members who enjoy this free educational event! (Use Mezzanine Level entrance to the Quadracci Powerhouse Theater)
~ ~ ~ ~ Trip Options ~ ~ ~ ~
Free Time from 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM in which to Enjoy Lunch and to Explore
Option 1 – will be attractive to those who enjoy lunch on their own and want free time to explore downtown Milwaukee. There are two bus drop-off locations from which to begin.
Bus Drop A: On Broadway behind the Milwaukee Public Market. There are many nearby Third Ward restaurants from which to choose, including the Milwaukee Public Market that contains eight distinctive eateries. For those choosing Bus Drop A who want to attend the Rep In-Depth pre-talk, our bus will return to pick you up at 12:30 PM and get you to the theater in time for its 12:45 start. Note: if want to spend more time in the Third Ward, the Milwaukee Rep is a short walk north on Water St. (5 blocks or 0.4 mile) and is located on NW corner of Water and Wells Streets. Our play begins at 1:30 PM.
Bus Drop B: On Wells Street in front of the Milwaukee Rep entrance. There are many downtown restaurants located within walking distance from the theater, including those across the river and along the Riverwalk. Since you will be so close to the Rep, you will have time for lunch and the 12:45 pm Rep In-Depth pre-talk, or for exploring downtown a bit longer before the performance begins at 1:30 PM.
Option 2 – will be appealing to those who want to more fully explore the play rather than the neighborhood. The bus stop is on Wells Street in front of the Milwaukee Rep entrance. The Rep Speaker Matinee Lunch is served buffet style from 11:30 AM to 12:45 PM in the adjoining Intercontinental Hotel’s Art Galleria. A member of the Rep’s creative team will discuss a particular feature of the production. The luncheon buffet consists of soup du jour, mixed green salad, seasonal fruit, assorted finger sandwiches (egg salad, ham & cheese, tuna salad + 1 chef’s choice), warm rolls, and assorted cookies and bars. Beverages include regular and decaf coffee and assorted teas. Cash bar is available.
From the Rep Speaker Luncheon to Attend Rep In-Depth.It is a leisurely walk back to the rotunda. Take the elevator to the Mezzanine, or walk up the two short flights of stairs of the white marble staircase to the Quadracci Powerhouse Theater Mezzanine Level Entrance. The Rep In-Depth pre-talk begins at 12:45 PM.
Please arrive early at your boarding stop so you don’t miss the bus. When everyone is aboard and seated, we leave. If everyone does that, we will all arrive Milwaukee on time to begin our tour..
– Don’t be late. We can wait just 5 minutes at any one location.
– Pack water bottles and snacks for sustenance on the journey.
– Bus arrival and departure times, below, are all approximated.
Leave Madison
8:15 AM Bus arrives at Oakwood Village to begin boarding.
8:50 AM Bus arrives at Capitol Lakes for loading.
9:10 AM Bus arrives at East Towne Shopko for loading.
9:25 AM Bus departs for Milwaukee (Or, sooner if everyone is aboard)
In Milwaukee
11:00 AM Bus Drop A in Third Ward for Milwaukee Public Market and other nearby restaurants
11:15 AM Bus Drop B at Rep Theater entrance for Rep Speaker Luncheon and nearby restaurants
2:30 PM Return to Milwaukee Public Market to pick up those for Rep In-Depth
12:45 PM Rep In-Depth pre-talk begins. (Use Mezzanine Level entrance)
1:30 PM Harvey performance begins
3:30 PM Harvey performance ends
3:30 PM- Begin bus boarding for return to Madison. There will be adequate
3:45 PM time for coat check retrieval and restroom use
3:45 PM Depart for Madison (Or, sooner if everyone is aboard)
Arrive Madison
5:30 PM East Towne Shopko
5:55 PM Capitol Lakes
6:20 PM Oakwood Village
Registration Notes
Rep Speaker Luncheon Registration Deadline: December 3
Harvey Bus Trip Registration Deadline: December 5

Independent Study registration is available from November 15-December 8.
Member: $32
Guest: $47
Independent Study is the Special Events bus travel opportunity to visit other cultural and education venues other than the Milwaukee Art Museum. Prior approval must be obtained to ensure that the Of Heaven and Earth bus trip itinerary is maintained. Contact Bob Blitzke, and 608-271-7741 for approval and registration procedure.
If you pay by check, make your check payable to PLATO Madison, and mail to
Harvey Registration
21 N. Park St., 7th Floor
Madison, WI 53715
For further information, contact Bob Blitzke, and 608-271-7741.