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  • The PLATO Kaffeeklatsch @ Memorial Union Terrace

The PLATO Kaffeeklatsch @ Memorial Union Terrace

  • August 14, 2015
  • 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • UW Memorial Union, 800 Langdon St., Madison,WI
  • 50


To complement our summer field trips, your Special Events Team is launching a new summer event series, The PLATO Kaffeeklatsch on June 18, July 9 and August 14. The first will be held on the iconic Memorial Union Terrace on June 18 from 10:00 AM – Noon.     

The PLATO Kaffeeklatsch is an informal social gathering in which to meet your fellow PLATO members, share common interests and make new friends. If you are new to PLATO or new to the Madison area, this will be a great chance learn more about your organization, as well as, your new home environment.


We will meet 9:30 AM-12:30 PM on the upper UW Memorial Terrance in the shade of the huge Oak tree with the large orange patio chair (And away from the noisy construction area).

Drop by for cup of Joe or tea. Breakfast and lunch fare will be available, including a brat and beer.  Stop by first to claim your chair at our tables, then walk over to one of these food venues, place your order and carry it back.


Memorial Union Summer dining options are limited by the remodeling project.  It appears that the Memorial Union Terrace portion of the project is nearing completion with the inner Memorial Uniton and ALUMNI Association builidng projects still in being worked on.


Don’t be discouraged by the adjacent construction project:

Langdon Street between Park and Lake Street is closed.

The Memorial Union parking lot and shoreline behind the lot are closed.


It is easy to walk over and enter the building:

Park in the Lake Street Ramp, entrances on Lake Street and Frances Street.

Walk west on State Street to Library Mall.

Walk across Library Mall and Langdon Street to enter the Memorial Union.

Turn left down the hallway, Peet’s Coffee & Tea will be on the left.

(Restrooms are also located on the left and just beyond Peet’s)

Turn right and walk through the large Rathskeller seating area to rear doors

Turn right and exit through automatic sliding door.

You are now on the Memorial Union Upper Terrace and the huge oak and orange chair are straight ahead. Look for our PLATO sign.


We will arrive early to secure table and chairs.

If you are planning to attend, please email Bob Blitzke, or call 608-271-7741 so we know how many tables and chairs to gather.

Bring your camera!

See you Thursday, June 18 9:30-AM-12:30 PM on Memorial Union Terrace for the first PLATO Kaffeeklatsch!

PLATO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supported in part by:

Facebook: @platomadison


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Madison, WI 53705

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