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  • End of Life Preparedness Lecture (Part I of II)

End of Life Preparedness Lecture (Part I of II)

  • May 03, 2016
  • 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Madison Senior Center, 330 W Mifflin St, Madison, WI
  • 7


  • Registration for 2-part End of Life Preparedness Workshop, May 3 and May 10, 2016.

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Presenter—Donna Hutter 

2 Day Workshop:

Part I -  May 3

Part II - May 10


Registration for Part I of the workshop will automatically include you in Part II. 

How this workshop came to be:

This workshop is based on the experiences of Charlotte Fox of Flagstaff, Arizona as she dealt with the sudden death of her husband. Charlotte decided she wanted to help others become better prepared to face the tasks following the passing of a loved one. She developed a 250 page workbook—…And Then There Was One.  She researched the information available—and still updates it on a regular basis. In addition she developed the End of Life Preparedness Workshop  offered  by Wisconsinite, Donna Hutter who originally took the workshop with Charlotte. Donna has presented this workshop many times, including here in Madison.

The Workshop:   5 hours (2 1/2 hours each day)

Guest Speakers:  In addition to presenter, Donna Hutter, attendees hear from and ask questions of an attorney, a hospice representative, a funeral director and a banking expert. One question from an attendee sparks another question and provides a platform for discussion.

Workbook ContentsSection 1—8 page checklist of documents that need to be located and completed as well as information on Identity Theft. Section 2—provides forms for funeral planning. Section 3—contains forms for listing your business calls and contacts, credit card companies, internet accounts and passwords, where keys are, lists of bills that need to be paid monthly and assets at time of death. Section 4—provides information about the survivor-for those people who will be assisting them—medications being taken, emergency contacts, health care information.  Section 5—covers Estate planning and distribution. Section 6-- is all about those important end of life documents—Powers of Attorney for Health Care and Finances and preparing a will or trust. Section 7—sample form letters to those you need to contact after the death-insurance companies, credit card companies, etc. Finally, Section 8—just scratches the surface of living with grief.

Comments from past attendees:

“I had no idea all the things I need to take care of to make it easier for my loved ones after I leave them.”

“The guest speakers are excellent.”

“The workbook is essential. I tried doing this on my own but the book has much more in it.”

Fees: Workshop –Free of Charge      

            Workbook-optional--$30 –pay at first session.  (A couple could use one workbook)


Click here to download registration form. 


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