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  • University Senior Guest Auditor Workshop

University Senior Guest Auditor Workshop

  • May 20, 2016
  • 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
  • 21 North Park Street, Madison, WI 53711
  • 32


  • The lectures are free and open to the public.
    A guest may be added after Member registration is complete.

Registration is closed

21 North Park Street

Hundreds of UW-Madison credit courses are available each term on an “audit” basis. Wisconsin residents 60 and older can apply and enroll as Senior Guest Auditors without cost. Auditors sit in on lecture courses and learn from top UW-Madison faculty without the obligation of tests or assignments. Senior Guest Auditors pay no tuition; the only requirements are that they are 60 years old by the first day of class and Wisconsin residents as defined by state statute.

       The Division of Continuing Studies, UW-Madison (PLATO’s on-campus partner) is sponsoring a workshop to assist PLATO members with the process of applying and enrolling as Senior Guest Auditors for the University’s full-semester and summer courses. The deadline for applying as a Senior Guest Auditor for the Fall 2016 semester is in August .  A member of the Continuing Studies staff will walk workshop attendees through the process and answer questions. Some PLATO members have found the process a bit complicated and this workshop is intended to make application and enrollment as transparent as possible.

       Location: 21 N. Park Street (1st Floor, Rooms 1106-1108).  (This building is near the corner of Regent and Park Streets.)

       Parking: There is a parking ramp for the building, although open space is limited and not guaranteed. Enter from Regent Street, the drive next to Buckingham’s Bar (or enter from the Park Street side, just north of Fraboni’s parking lot). Additional parking is usually available on side streets.

       Registration: The workshop is free but we ask that you register so that we know how many will be attending to plan seating and materials.   










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Madison, WI 53705

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