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A Walk Through the Brooklyn State Wildlife Area

  • June 17, 2016
  • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Various Locations and Times
  • 3


  • The member may register a guest. A member and guest will be billed $10.00 each. Look for the ADD GUEST button in the lower left following member registration information.

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A Walk through the Brooklyn State Wildlife Area Segment of the Ice Age Trail

This 3.5 mile walk will follow the rolling course over glacial outwash and bedrock hills through the Brooklyn State Wildlife Area.

Our guide will be a PLATO member and State Ice Age Trail Association member Tess Mulroney. 

We will meet at 9 am at the Verona Park and Ride, and take as few cars as necessary.  We will  leave for the Brooklyn Wildlife Area at 9:10 am.  We will begin our two hour walk about 9:30 am.  

We will return to the Verona Park and Ride before noon.  For those who would like to stop for lunch, Gray's Tied House is nearby.

My cell number is (608) 520-4448.  Carla's cell is (608) 886-4556.

If you need a ride to the starting place in order for you to participate please indicate that on the registration form.  If you are willing to take one or two people in your car please also indicate that on the registration form.

Highlights of the Walk 

Brooklyn State Wildlife Area Segment of the IATA traverses an area featuring highly eroded glacial deposits from an earlier glacial advance more that 60,000 years ago.  The segment highlights meadows, woodlands, oak savannas and colorful prairies.  The variety of habitat in the area results in great bird-watching opportunities.  Herons and cranes fish in the Story Creek wetlands and plenty of turkeys resting with their young can be stirred up on sandy portions of the segment.  Volunteers have worked extensively on prairie restoration and removal of invasive species throughout the Brooklyn Wildlife Area.

Trail Difficulty Ratings

Length:  3.5 miles walk highlights the view of two valleys from an elevation of 400 ft.  There is a 1/2 mile optional loop across a narrow valley and up a second wooded bluff.  There is also an optional steep climb down and return of 1/2 mile that is quite challenging.

Elevation:  The main walk is rated a 3 on a scale of 1 to 5, (where 1 is a flat walk)  The walk will consist of rolling hills through prairies, marsh and woods.  The optional two loops are more challenging hill climbs and rated a 4 on a scale form 1 to 5.

Difficulty of walk:  This walk is rated a 2 on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is rated not rugged and 5 is very rugged.  The paths are well maintained with good footing throughout the walk.  One of the optional climbs is rated a 3.5 in that the climb is steep and footing may be difficult to maintain, depending on recent weather.   

Drive and Restaurant: We will return to the Verona Park and Ride at about noon.  For those who would like to stop for lunch, Gray's Tied House is nearby.

My cell number is (608) 520-4448.  Carla's cell is (608) 886-4556.










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Madison, WI 53705

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