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  • Global Hot Spots: “Fighting Zika and Other Emerging Viruses”

Global Hot Spots: “Fighting Zika and Other Emerging Viruses”

  • September 16, 2016
  • 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Fluno Center Auditorium, 601 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53715

LOCATION: Fluno Center Auditorium, located at 601 University Avenue, Madison,


What do the Zika virus, dengue, and yellow fever all have in common? They are all mosquito-borne diseases that Osorio and his team of scientists are working to eliminate through studying the host-pathogen interaction. One of the most promising solutions comes in the form of naturally occurring bacteria that reduce the ability of mosquitoes to transmit diseases. Osorio will discuss the emergence of Zika and other viruses, promising vaccination research, and ongoing challenges encountered when studying infectious diseases. 


The speaker is Jorge Osorio MS’88, PhD’96, an associate professor of pathobiological sciences and veterinary medicine. Osorio earned his PhD in animal health and biomedical science from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. His major interests surround veterinary diseases and zoonotic pathogens. Osorio has also been a major contributor in forming the state-of-the-art research group that uses molecular approaches to study emerging diseases such as Zika, dengue fever, chikungunya, and influenza. 


Public parking is available in the Fluno Center Garage (Lot 83) at 314 N. Frances Street. Other parking options include Lot 46 at 301 N. Lake Street and the Lake Street Ramp at 415 N. Lake Street. 

Lunch is not provided with your registration, but you can make a reservation to eat lunch at the Fluno Center by calling 608-441-7117. 

Questions? Contact Kristina Zignego at 608-308-5415.

The Wisconsin Alumni Association®, the International Division, and PLATO sponsor the Global Hot Spots series.

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- See more at: Hot Spots is held from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. at the Fluno Center Auditorium, 601 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53715 Lectures are free and open to the public.

Global Hot Spots Collection

Experience the best of UW-Madison’s expertise wherever you are with these archived Global Hot Spots presentations.

The Global Hot Spots Lecture Series is co-sponsored by the Wisconsin Alumni Association®, PLATO (Participatory Learning and Teaching Organization) and the UW-Madison Division of International Studies.


Global Hot Spots Collection

Experience the best of UW-Madison’s expertise wherever you are with these archived Global Hot Spots presentations.

The Global Hot Spots Lecture Series is co-sponsored by the Wisconsin Alumni Association®, PLATO (Participatory Learning and Teaching Organization) and the UW-Madison Division of International Studies.

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Global Hot Spots Collection

Experience the best of UW-Madison’s expertise wherever you are with these archived Global Hot Spots presentations.

The Global Hot Spots Lecture Series is co-sponsored by the Wisconsin Alumni Association®, PLATO (Participatory Learning and Teaching Organization) and the UW-Madison Division of International Studies.

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