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  • Long Term Care: Planning for My Future Needs

Long Term Care: Planning for My Future Needs

  • January 23, 2017
  • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Oakwood West University Woods Auditorium 6205 Mineral Point Rd.


  • Free and Open to the Public

Free and open to the public and PLATO members.

The Plato Special Events Lectures Subcommittee is sponsoring a timely and relevant free program for members and their guests.

Long Term Care:  Planning for My Future Needs

Long term care refers to a broad range of services needed by people for an extended period of time because of chronic illness or disability.  Many people wonder if they should buy long term care insurance to cover the costs of these services.  It is a very important question for people who want to plan for their needs should they become disabled.  It is a decision that will have significant financial consequences.


Our presenter is Steve Shapiro, a Medigap Insurance Specialist with the State of Wisconsin Board on Aging and Long Term Care and a Wisconsin State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) Counselor.  In those positions, he has advised and advocated for those with questions about various health insurance topics.  Mr. Shapiro has 30 years of experience in the Wisconsin insurance industry.


Questions? contact JoAnn Savoy at 838-9587 or

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Madison, WI 53705

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