New! PLATO Breakfast Get-Together -
We're excited to announce the "Breakfast Get-together", an extension of the summer Kaffeklatsches held at Memorial Union's terrace. The first Breakfast Get-together will be on February 24th and continue to be on the 4th Friday of each month thru May.
The breakfasts will be at 9:30 at Elie's Family Restaurant, Lake Edge Shopping Center, 4102 Monona Drive. Free Parking in a large surface lot. When you arrive, ask for the Plato room.
Elie's has a large menu, moderately priced, from hearty fare to smaller options.
We are glad to have an indoor option for folks to dine together. Please RSVP no later than the Wednesday before the breakfast-, 608 280-8050
Hope you're able to come!
Organizer: Sharon Scrattish
KaffeeKlatsch: June-August, Every 4th Friday, 9:30 AM-11:00 AM on the new Memorial Union Terrace
As well as announcing the new PLATO Breakfast Get-Togethers to be held on the 4th Friday of the month from February 24 through May, we also want you to know about the slightly modified summer Kaffeeklatsches. We will now meet on the 4th Fridays of each month and earlier in the day - 9;30 am to 11 am on the terrace of the newly remodeled Memorial Union. This summer's dates are June 23, July 28 and August 25.
These PLATO monthly morning gatherings are informal social get togethers in which to meet your fellow PLATO members, share common interests and make new friends. If you are new to PLATO or new to the Madison area, this will be a great chance learn more about your organization, as well as, your new home environment.
PLATO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supported in part by:
info@platomadison.orgFacebook: @platomadison
6209 Mineral Point Road #203Madison, WI 53705