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  • Bascom Hill History Tour

Bascom Hill History Tour

  • September 13, 2017
  • 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
  • Registration will begin July 15, 2017 . . . Meet at the Campus and Community Information Desk in the West Wing of Memorial Union located at 800 Langdon St
  • 4


  • The member may register a guest.

Registration will run from July 15, 2017 through August 28, 2017

We will meet at the Campus and Community Information Desk in the West Wing of Memorial Union located at 800 Langdon St., (608) 265-3000.
Registration is closed

Join us as we walk through State and University history.  We will start and end at the newly renovated Memorial Union, climb Bascom Hill as we hear stories of the original UW Campus, pause at the Lincoln Statue and stop in front of the unique Carillon Tower which is currently under reconstruction.  We will return to the Memorial Union for a tour of the new renovations.  For those willing to continue, Mike will lead us on a brief tour of the Red Gym.  

Highlights of the Walk

 9:50 am  Meet our docent at the Memorial Union

10:00 am  Start our walk up historic Bascom Hill

10:30 am  Stop in front of the Lincoln Statue and again across from the  Carillon Tower.  Head down Bascom Hill.

11:00 am  Start Tour of the renovated Memorial Union

11:45 am  Optional tour of the Red Gym

12:00 pm  Tour ends with lunch on your own.

Restaurants: The walk will terminate at the newly renovated Memorial Union, having added a few new lunch locations. There are many options for lunch two blocks away on State Street.

Meeting Location and Parking

Meeting:  We will meet at the Campus and Community Information Desk in the West Wing of Memorial Union located on first floor, corner of Park and Langdon Streets  at 800 Langdon St., (608) 265-3000.  

Bus Drop-off and Pick-up:  Campus buses from the west side of Madison will drop you off at the end of Park Street, on the west side of the Memorial Union.  

Nearby Car Parking:  the following parking areas allow metered or gated public parking:

  • City parking ramp located State and Lake or accessed by University Ave. or 430 N. Frances St, accessed from the Frances St. side
  • UW Parking near Memorial Union:  Helen C. White Garage (Lot 6), Grainger Hall Garage (Lot 7),  and The Fluno Center Garage (Lot 83).

What to Expect on the Walk

Quality of the Path/Walk: The path is well maintained cement pavement.

Hill Rating: Strenuous Hill Climb as we climb both up and down the slope.

Handicap Accessibility? Yes, but the hill climb is strenuous as we travel both up and down the hill. Building access is adapted to handicap accessibility.

If you have questions contact Mike Di Iorio @ 608 257-9164 or  If you need to cancel the morning of the walk or will be late, please contact Mike on his cell phone: 608 520-4448.


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Madison, WI 53705

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