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  • R E S C H E D U L E D Wilkie Gorge of the Cross Plains National Scientific Reserve

R E S C H E D U L E D Wilkie Gorge of the Cross Plains National Scientific Reserve

  • April 09, 2019
  • 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Old Sauk Pass Rd., Cross Plains
  • 1


  • The member may register a guest.

Driving and Parking instructions will be emailed to you the week of the event.
Registration is closed


Wilkie Gorge of Cross Plains National Scientific Reserve

Description of the Reserve:

The area represents a world-renowned example of the interface of glaciated and unglaciated terrain.  The relationship between Johnstown Moraine and glaciated landscapes on one side of the Moraine and unglaciated bedrock landscapes on the other side is strikingly exhibited.  Oak savanna, oak forests, wetlands and prairies cover the area.           

Walk length and difficulty:

  • We will hike several areas of the reserve including wooded ridge top and open prairie in restoration. 
  • We will aim at about 2.5 miles but the exact routes will be determined by participants as we go. 
  • The unmarked trails are of easy/moderate to moderate difficulty but totally unsuited for the use of walkers.  A walking stick might be helpful in some areas.   
  • For the hearty who are shod in hiking boots there is the option of a steep climb down and up the gorge.

Points of interest:

  • The main attraction is to discover a “world-renowned example of the interface of glaciated and unglaciated terrain.”
  • The Ice Age Complex at Cross Plains is a compilation of federal, state and county land near the village of Cross Plains, Wisconsin. Currently there is about 750 acres of public land available for recreation. The entire proposed project boundary encompasses about 1,500 acres. The complex is open year-round from sunrise to sunset daily. The properties are closed to visitors after dark.

What to bring:

Remember to dress according to the weather & walking limitations.   Bring water.  We will introduce the site and walk a few trails under most mild weather conditions.  A walking stick might be useful.  We will have two leaders, so we will walk in two separate groups, ensuring that we have a good experience.


  • Go west on University Avenue towards Middleton. 
  • Continue on Hwy. 14 approximately 4.5 miles past the underpass with the Beltline Highway to a left turn on Cleveland Road.   
  • Stay on it .9 mile to where it deadends. 
  • Turn right onto Old Sauk Pass Rd. and continue .7 mile.
  • Park along the road near a metal gate across from the first farmhouse on the left side of the road. 
  •  Please don’t block the driveway of the old stone farmhouse on the left. 
  • Note: There are no public restrooms or drinking water facilities so be prepared.

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Madison, WI 53705

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