What to Expect on the Walk
Quality of the Path/Walk
Length of Walk
The walk will be about a 3 mile walk. The walk will take about 2.5 hours. The length of the walk and the time it takes to complete the walk will depend on the informational stops we make along the way.
Hill Rating
On a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is very steep, the trails are rated 2.5.
Quality of trail footing
On a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 represents very difficult footing, the trails we will follow are rated a 2.0.
Walk Difficulty
A three mile walk along a several trails along mixed hilly and flat terrain. There will be opportunities to shorten or lengthen the path, depending on group interests and abilities.
Handicap Accessibility?
The trails are not particularly handicap accessible. They may be manageable with someone to assist you. Please call me at 608 257-9164 to further evaluate the trails
Our leader will have a microphone along to assist in delivering her message clearly as possible.
Driving and Parking Information will be emailed the week of the walk.
We will use the Frautschi Parking lot to start our walk. This will allow us to start at the top of the hill and walk downhill at picnic point. We will leave a few cars at Picnic Point to return people to their cars.

Highlights of the Walk
Native Americans and the Preserve
For more than 12,000 years, Native peoples have lived on the land that is today the UW-Madison campus. Evidence of this long human occupation is inscribed all across the campus landscape. Earthen burial mounds, including unique effigy forms constructed over 1000 years ago, can be visited in several parts of the Preserve. Learn about the more than 40 archaeological sites across campus.
In the Madison of 50,000 years ago, the Yahara River flowed sweetly at the bottom of a steep river valley perhaps as much as 600 feet deep. Resilient sandstone layers formed extensive ledges and spring fed streams issued from limestone caves to cascade to the river far below. Incredibly, a natural event of unimaginable scale literally wiped this entire ecosystem from the face of the Earth—glaciers.
Hydrology and hydrologic process within and around the Preserve greatly influence the quality and health of its diverse biotic communities. Additionally, the Willow Creek Watershed—which is much larger than most people realize—has a substantial impact on the quality of water in Willow Creek and University Bay.
Prairies are grasslands dominated by native grasses associated with a diverse assemblage of flowering herbaceous plants known as forbs. UW-Madison's Biocore Program has been carrying out tallgrass prairie restoration in the Preserve in the field between Picnic Point and the Eagle Heights Community Gardens since 1997.
Wetlands have water at or just above the surface of the soil for much if not all of the year. Known for a distinctive set of plants, wetlands support a wide variety of animals, and provide essential services such as flood and stormwater abatement and water quality management. The Preserve has two major natural wetlands—Picnic Point Marsh and University Bay Marsh—as well as a wetland restoration, the Class of 1918 Marsh.
The Woods in the Preserve typify the broadleaf forest common to relatively moist, upland sites in southern Wisconsin. You'll find a common set of tree species occupying the overstory throughout the woods, but the relative abundance of each varies with slope and aspect (the direction the slope faces). Common species include Bur oak, White oak, Northern red oak, Shagbark hickory, Slippery elm, Hackberry, White ash, Black cherry and Basswood.