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Walking the Parks and Trails of Dane County

  • May 03, 2018
  • Various Places and Times
  • 20


  • The member may register a guest.

Meeting places will be determined for each event.

PLATO charges a $10 fee for most walks.  We normally use a guide who is a member of the associated friends group.  PLATO then will pass this registration fee onto the friends group as a way of saying thanks.

Tentative Walk Schedule

  1. Monday, May 7, 10 am -11:30 am: Walk of Patrick Marsh SNA

  2. June 19, morning: Pleasant Valley Conservancy; Rain date June 26

What to Expect on the Walks

In general:

  • We are looking at parks and trails within Dane County.
  • The length of the walk will be upwards of 3 + miles, depending on terraine.
  • The walks will take 2 to 3 hours and may include a suggestion for lunch.  
  • The pace is meant to be appropriate for folks of retirement age who normally are not climbing hillsides and valleys as part of their normal exercise routines.
  • The description of the walks will include information that will help you assess the likelihood that you are up to the challenges of the walk.  There will be three factors mentioned:
  1. length of walk
  2. the quality of the path
  3. the elevation changes along the path

Highlights of the Walk

Most of the walks we've chosen this year will follow one of two themes:

  • The walk will feature terrain that has been shaped by the recent glaciers.  This may mean that the walk includes some hillside walking
  • The walk includes areas where archeological research indicates the life of PaleoIndians - dating, perhaps, as far back as 10,000 BC.
  • We will attempt to find a leader who is well informed about some aspect of the trail and we will allow time for this story to be told. 

Driving and Parking Instructions

  • Information about driving and parking will be sent the week of the walk.
  • I will provide a google map that allows you to enter your starting location and provides detailed instructions on how to arrive at the trailhead.
  • We will expect you to arrive at the starting point via your own transportation.
  • We encourage car-pooling and can provide information on who in your area is driving to the walk.  

What to bring along on the walks.

  Things to bring and wear:

  • sunscreen
  • hat (perhaps an umbrella for the sun)
  • walking shoes
  • bottle of water or sports drink
  • perhaps long sleeve shirt and full length pants 

About Ticks 

I thought you might be interested in the following articles on how to reduce the risk of tick problems during our walks. 



PLATO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supported in part by:

Facebook: @platomadison


6209 Mineral Point Road #203
Madison, WI 53705

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