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  • PLATO is the Most Powerful Organization in Dane County

PLATO is the Most Powerful Organization in Dane County

  • May 09, 2018
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Oakwood Village, West, Art Center/Auditorium


  • Free and Open to the Public

This lecture is FREE to PLATO members and their guests.

No registration is required.

Registration is not required.

This lecture is FREE to PLATO members and the general public. 


"PLATO is the Most Powerful Organization in Dane County"

 Speaker: Paul Terranova, Education Director of the Lussier Community Education Center


Too often we walk around lamenting the actions of decision-makers near and far and unaware of the power we have or unsure of how to use it. In this interactive talk Paul will demonstrate that PLATO could indeed be the most powerful organization in Dane County and challenge members to think about how we use or don’t use our power in our community.

About the Speaker: 

Paul Terranova has served as Executive Director of the Lussier Community Education Center (formerly the Wexford Ridge Neighborhood Center) since 2000. The Center serves low income families and provides a wide range of services designed to support and empower families.  The Center recently was awarded a $300,000 grant from Cuna Mutual Insurance support programs that maximize learning opportunities for youth.

Paul received his Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Illinois, and a Master of Education in Adult Education and Community Development from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto.  Paul previously worked as a youth organizer with El Centro Hispano (a community-based organization in Durham, North Carolina), a refugee job developer with Lutheran Family Services, a tenant organizer with the North Carolina Low Income Housing Coalition, a public action organizer with the United Farm workers of America AFL-CIO and a volunteer support worker with children living on the streets in Cape Town, South Africa.  Paul lives in Madison with his wife Nancy and his two boys, Joseph and Benjamin

About the Lussier Community Education Center

Lecture Location & Parking Information:

Oakwood Village University Woods Auditorium/Arts Center  
6205 Mineral Point Road    
Madison, Wisconsin 53705    


Free parking is available in designated spaces at Oakwood Village - University Woods outdoors & underground. 

To access underground parking:

  • Enter at the stoplight on Mineral Point Rd.; take the left fork & go to the SECOND driveway on the right.  Look for the sign indicating parking. 
  • Press the button located next to the garage door to speak to attendant; say you are there for a PLATO Lecture.
  • Park in any available Visitor space.

Lecture Questions? Contact Tim Otis at: e-Mail - or phone 608 233-1050.

PLATO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supported in part by:

Facebook: @platomadison


6209 Mineral Point Road #203
Madison, WI 53705

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