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  • A Walk around Patrick Marsh Wildlife Area

A Walk around Patrick Marsh Wildlife Area

  • May 07, 2018
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Large parking lot, main entrance off Stein Road, Sun Prairie, WI
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  • The member may register a guest.

Registration is closed

Registration Required

Tony Abate, Conservation and Land Manager, will lead the walk around the marsh and discuss concepts affecting

the life of marsh and possible marsh futures.  

There is a $10 registration fee for this walk. PLATO will pass this fee onto the Patick Marsh Conservancy  as a way of saying thank you for their hospitality.

The walk has been moved to the Raindate of Monday, May 7; same time and place.

A walk and history of Patrick Marsh

Our walk will be lead by Tony Abate of Groundswell who will tell us about the possible futures of the marsh We will be joined by retired highway engineer, Rotarian, and Patrick Marsh Conservancy member Bill Wambach. Bill will tell us something about the history of the Marsh as we walk along.

Walk Description:

The walk is 3 miles on elevated dry land around the marsh.  The walk is somewhat hilly on volunteer paths.  We will stop periodically and hear from Tony and Bill.

About Tony Abate

Conservation Specialist

Tony Abate, Conservation Specialist and Land Manager, will talk about the future vision for Patrick Marsh Conservancy, located on the edge of Sun Prairie, and the current efforts at managing the Conservancy located.

Tony joined Grounswell in 2016 as our Conservation Specialist/Land Manager. While primarily working on land protection and easement monitoring, Tony will also expand community engagement at our Westport Drumlin and Patrick Marsh Preserves. Expect to see him leading work parties, field trips, and education events.

About Patrick Marsh Wildlife Area

Located adjacent to the City of Sun Prairie, the 145-acre Parick Marsh is surrounded by land owned and managed by the Wisconsin DNR, Dane County, and Groundswell.  The conservation and recreation values of Patrick Marsh merited its inclusion in the Wisconsin DNR's Land Legacy Report, a list of the 229 places that are critical to protect "to meet Wisconsin's future conservation and recreation needs in the next 50 years." Patrick Marsh is well-situated to meet some of those needs, being located on the door step of the city of Sun Prairie, which is home to 31,000 people.

Groundswell is working in partnership with the Patrick Marsh Conservancy, local residents, groups including the Discovery Club at Patrick Marsh Middle School, and local governments to manage and restore wildlife habitat at Patrick Marsh and create trails that connect the protected properties at the Marsh with surrounding neighborhoods, making it an inviting place to visit.  Patrick Marsh is open to the public for hiking, nature study, and other activities.

Driving and Parking Instructions to:

Google map:

Patrick Marsh Wildlife Area, Sun Prairie, WI

Take US-151 N to N Bristol St in Sun Prairie. Take exit 103 from US-151 N

Take Frontage Rd/Wilburn Rd and Stone Quarry Rdto Stein Rd in Bristol


There are no restrooms available at Patrick Marsh Wildlife Area.

About our $10 fee:

PLATO charges a $10 fee for each walk.  We normally use a guide who is a member of the associated friends group.  PLATO then will pass this registration fee onto the friends group as a way of saying thanks.

PLATO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supported in part by:

Facebook: @platomadison


6209 Mineral Point Road #203
Madison, WI 53705

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