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  • Importance of Early Childhood Learning and Its Influence on Success Throughout Life

Importance of Early Childhood Learning and Its Influence on Success Throughout Life

  • May 23, 2018
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Oakwood Village, West, Art Center/Auditorium


  • Free and Open to the Public

This lecture is FREE to PLATO members and their guests.

No registration is required.

Registration is not required.

This lecture is FREE and OPEN to the public. 


"Importance of Early Childhood Learning and Its Influence on Success Throughout life" 

The presentation is the second in a series of lectures about organizations that address community issues in Madison and Dane County.


Kaleem Caire:  CEO of One City Early Learning Center

Kaleem Caire is the founder and CEO of One City Early Learning Centers, a preschool designed to ensure children are reading-ready by kindergarten and that their parents have the knowledge, tools and ability to provide for them and lead strong families. 

A nationally recognized social innovator and entrepreneur known for starting and leading movements for change, he has spearheaded and developed unprecedented coalitions, public engagement initiatives and complex organizational change efforts. His innovative contributions to education have positively impacted millions of children in the United States and abroad, and his efforts in business and nonprofit leadership have opened the doors to education, employment and career advancement opportunities to thousands of children and adults. 

Kaleem’s efforts and leadership in Washington, DC and Madison, WI, in particular, have been heralded as major successes, and his work to strengthen and enhance educational and job opportunities with city, community, business and governmental agencies and leaders, including the Bush and Obama administrations, has been noteworthy and transformational.

Marlo Mielke, Vice President and Founding Center Director

Marlo Mielke was selected to serve as One City’s founding Center Director in April 2015. She provides the day-to-day leadership of the preschool, which is     determined to eliminate Madison’s achievement gap at its core – during a child’s first years 

Marlo has more than 20 years of experience working with children ages birth to 18, including seven years as the owner and operater of a family childcare business and 10 years as a director of early childhood learning centers. Prior to One City, Marlo served as the director of Agape Christian Preschool in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin, an accredited nonprofit preschool that served 110 children.  While leading Agape, Marlo also worked with the Mount Horeb School District to help establish their four-year old kindergarten program.

Marlo was raised on Madison’s East side and is a 1990 graduate of Madison East High School.  She holds a Bachelor’s degree in education with an emphasis on early childhood and special education from Edgewood College in Madison, and a Master’s degree in School Administration from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 

About One City Early Learning Center

One City Early Learning Center is dedicated to cultivating healthy, happy, thoughtful, and resourceful children who have the capacity and commitment to empower others and change the world, their families and communities for the better. With this in mind, our mission is to prepare young children from birth to age 5 for success in school and life, and ensure they enter grade school reading-ready.

One City Early Learning Center has been approved to start a Charter School in the fall for pre-school youth.

Lecture Location:

Oakwood Village University Woods Auditorium/Arts Center  
6205 Mineral Point Road    
Madison, Wisconsin 53705    


Free parking is available in designated spaces at Oakwood Village - University Woods outdoors & underground. 

To access underground parking:

  • Enter at the stoplight on Mineral Point Rd.; take the left fork & go to the SECOND driveway on the right.  Look for the sign indicating parking. 
  • Press the button located next to the garage door to speak to attendant; say you are there for a PLATO Lecture.
  • Park in any available Visitor space.

Lecture Questions? Contact Tim Otis at: e-Mail - or phone 608 233-1050.

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Madison, WI 53705

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