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  • As You Like It @ American Players Theatre

As You Like It @ American Players Theatre

  • July 11, 2018
  • Spring Green, Wisconsin
  • 5


  • For bus with Wi-Fi only. Assumes registrant has own theater ticket.
  • Note: Member ($66) with guest ($81) will cost a total of $147. TO ADD YOUR GUEST: click on the "ADD GUEST" button at the bottom of the registration form and enter the guest information as indicated. Thank you.

Estimated Trip Duration:
East Towne Sears: 3:00 PM - 12:30 AM
Capitol Lakes: 3:20 PM - 12:10 AM
Oakwood West: 3:40 PM - 11:50 PM

Member Theater Registration: $66
Guest Theater Registration: $81
Bus only: $25
Registration Deadline July 10
Cancellation Deadline July 6
Registration fee includes bus with Wi-Fi
Dinner is on your own
Registration is closed

As You Like It @ American Players Theatre
Hill Theatre
Wednesday, July 11

Join us Wednesday, July 11th, for our first American Players Theatre (APT) play of the summer, As You Like It, by William Shakespeare.

Directed by James Bohnen

Featuring: Trancy Michelle Arnold, Kelsey Brennan, Nate Burger, David Daniel, Tim Gittings, Chris Klopatek, Brian Mani, Melisa Pereyra, Andrea San Miguel

Synopsis: This Shakespearean comedy centers on Rosalind and Celia, who are best friends and cousins. When Celia’s father, the Duke, sees Rosalind as a threat to his daughter’s future prosperity, the two women dress in costume (with Rosalind pretending to be a boy named Ganymede), and flee to the Forest of Arden before Rosalind is banished. In the meantime, Orlando, a young man who had previously fallen in love with Rosalind, is similarly threatened by his own brother, and flees to the Forest as well. He meets “Ganymede” who promises to teach him how to romantically pursue Rosiland. A band of merry woods-dwelling misfits join the adventure.


For more information on the play, see APT's As You Like It website

Estimated Run Time:  3 hours, including one intermission (7:30 PM - 10:30 PM)

As You Like It  will be staged in APT's flagship outdoor Hill Theatre, a natural amphitheater with 1,088 cushioned seats. It is about a quarter-mile walk (or shuttle ride) from the parking lot to the theater. Our seats will be in the "Very Fine" Section 6 and close to the stage. More information about this theater and how to prepare for your visit, including rain policy. 

Accessibility Policy: On the Badger Bus, you must be able to climb steps to board and exit the bus. If you need assistance, we require that you bring a friend to give you a hand.

Guest Policy: Members must register their guests. Each PLATO member is entitled to bring one non-member guest per bus trip. (Members may bring more than one guest near the registration Deadline Date if seats are available. Check with trip organizer.) Non-member guests pay an additional $15.00 registration fee. PLATO Membership is $60.00/year.

DINNER is on your own*

There will be time for enjoying dinner, shopping in the APT gift stores, and exploring the grounds from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm.  You have three options for dinner:

  • Enjoy the group dinner at Freddy Valentine's Public House in Spring Green. The bus will drop you off at 4:45 pm and pick you up at 6:30 pm. Or try out another downtown restaurant on your own.
  • Pack and enjoy a dinner from home on the APT grounds.
  • Order/Purchase/Pick Up (on your own) an APT Box Dinner by Hubbard Avenue Diner to be picked up at the concessions stand in the picnic area starting two hours before the performance. (See Picnics by Hubbard Avenue Diner for details.) Please note, picnics must be ordered in advance by the day before your performance, no later than 4:00 pm.

*Group Dinner Option is available to those who want to register, but may be hesitant...not knowing anyone and uncomfortable eating alone. The group option dinner  addresses this concern and is a good way to make new theater trip friends. Just answer "Yes" to Group Dinner questions on the registration form and we will take care of the rest. 


Bear in mind that our boarding bus route is like Madison Metro or any other municipal bus service. Please arrive 15 minutes early at your boarding stop so you don’t miss the bus. When everyone is aboard and seated, we leave. Arrive early and we will all arrive in Spring Green on time to begin our adventure.

  • Don’t be late. We can wait just 5 minutes at any one location.
  • Pack water bottles and snacks for sustenance on the trip.

Leave Madison - Please arrive 15 minutes before departure

2:40 PM Bus arrives at East Towne Sears. (Boarding across from Culver’s, west of Lamppost 10.)

3:00 PM Bus departs East Towne Sears 

3:20 PM Bus departs Capitol Lakes

3:40 PM Bus departs Oakwood University Woods for Spring Green (or sooner, if everyone is aboard)

In Spring Green

4:45 PM Bus arrives at Freddy Valentine's Public House in Spring Green for those choosing the group dining option (or other nearby downtown restaurants such as The Shed, Baron Brooks, or Arcadia Books).

5:00 PM Bus arrives at American Players Theatre for those dining at picnic grounds. The jazz duo of Marilyn Fisher & Jeff Larsen will be performing beginning at 6:00.

6:30 PM Bus returns to pick up diners at Freddy Valentine's Public House in Spring GreenDiners from other restaurants should meet at Freddy Valentine's.

6:45 PM Bus arrives at American Players Theatre

7:30 PM As You Like It performance begins

10:30 PM As You Like It performance ends. Begin bus boarding for return to Madison. There will be adequate time for walking/shuttle down the hill and restroom use.

11:00 PM Bus departs for Madison (or sooner, if everyone is aboard)

Arrive Madison (Estimated)

11:50 PM Return to Oakwood University Oaks

12:10 AM Return to Capitol Lakes

12:30 AM Return to East Towne Sears

For further information: Contact As You Like It theater trip organizers:

PLATO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supported in part by:

Facebook: @platomadison


6209 Mineral Point Road #203
Madison, WI 53705

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