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  • Global Hot Spots: “Human Trafficking and Slavery in Japan”

Global Hot Spots: “Human Trafficking and Slavery in Japan”

  • November 16, 2018
  • 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Fluno Center Auditorium, 601 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53715

Global Hot Spots Series

Dig in to today’s hottest issues with UW faculty experts for thought-provoking discussions about what’s happening in the world — from politics, global health, and economics to human rights, the environment, and more.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from some of the UW’s top experts!

Topic: “Human Trafficking and Slavery in Japan”

About the Talk

It was her work with a UW staff member that ignited her passion for social justice and the nonprofit world. As a student employee under the leadership of Rick Brooks, an outreach program manager in UW’s Division of Continuing Studies, Fujiwara gained experience in the field of health promotion, and helped organize a study-abroad experience to Sri Lanka, where she and about 15 other UW-Madison students performed community service.

Upon graduation in 2003, Fujiwara accepted a year-long fellowship with the Polaris Project, based in Washington, D.C. where she learned more about the anti-human trafficking movement.

It’s estimated that human trafficking is the third-largest criminal industry in the world. Most victims of human trafficking are women and children, and the crimes often include sexual exploitation.

Victims of trafficking are often threatened or intimidated. Fujiwara says the Project’s foremost challenge is to help victims realize the danger of their situation, and then offer them support and empower them to change. The Project organizes campaigns to raise community awareness, and works with the public and law enforcement to help people recognize survivors and fight human trafficking.

According to Fujiwara, Japan’s $84 billion dollar adult entertainment industry continues to grow, but sex is widely considered a taboo subject for discussion. As a result, she finds that people are surprised to learn the extent of the problem of human trafficking. This part of Japanese culture also makes it difficult to raise funds and advance the anti-human trafficking movement, she said.

“It’s very hard to bring a lot of people out to advocate, unlike in the States,” she said.

About the Speaker:  Shihoko Fujiwara ’03 (alumna from Japan)

2008 Distinguished Alumni Award Honoree

Shihoko Fujiwara ’03 is a crimefighter.

From her office in Tokyo, Japan, she leads a charge to rescue victims of human trafficking — a form of modern-day slavery that exploits hundreds of thousands of victims worldwide, mostly women and children.

“Our mission is to end this slave-like situation of the people,” she says. “We rescue them from an exploitative situation and empower them to start a new life.”

Fujiwara grew up on the northernmost Japanese island of Hokkaido in the city of Ikeda, which she describes as “a lot like Madison.” The oldest of three, Fujiwara remembers being a curious child, less focused than her sister, Sachiko, or her brother, Ryota. With the support of her mother, Keiko, and her father, Tomoki, she dabbled in varied interests — learning mathematics, playing the piano — whenever she had the chance.

Registration for the Lecture

Registration prior to the lecture is strongly recommended, click here,

Registration for the PLATO Luncheon (11:30 am to 1:15 pm)

PLATO has organized a luncheon at the Fluno Center prior to the Global Hotspots Lecture.  To find out more and to register, please click on Luncheon.


Public parking is available in the Fluno Center garage (Lot 83) at 314 N. Frances Street, in Lot 46 at 301 N. Lake Street, or in the Lake Street ramp at 415 N. Lake Street.


Contact Jordan Langer at or 608-308-5430.

Global Hot Spots digs into today’s hottest issues with UW faculty experts for thought-provoking discussions about what’s happening in the world — from politics, global health, and economics to human rights, the environment, and more.

Global Hot Spots Collection

Experience the best of UW-Madison’s expertise wherever you are with these archived Global Hot Spots presentations.

The Global Hot Spots Lecture Series is cosponsored by the Wisconsin Alumni Association®, PLATO (Participatory Learning and Teaching Organization), and the UW-Madison International Division.



Global Hot Spots Collection

Experience the best of UW-Madison’s expertise wherever you are with these archived Global Hot Spots presentations.

The Global Hot Spots Lecture Series is co-sponsored by the Wisconsin Alumni Association®, PLATO (Participatory Learning and Teaching Organization) and the UW-Madison Division of International Studies.

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Global Hot Spots Collection

Experience the best of UW-Madison’s expertise wherever you are with these archived Global Hot Spots presentations.

The Global Hot Spots Lecture Series is co-sponsored by the Wisconsin Alumni Association®, PLATO (Participatory Learning and Teaching Organization) and the UW-Madison Division of International Studies.

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Facebook: @platomadison


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