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  • Lecture: "Midterm Election Results & Implications."

Lecture: "Midterm Election Results & Implications."

  • November 13, 2018
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Oakwood Village University Woods Auditorium/Arts Center


  • Free and Open to the Public

    Free Parking

    No Registration Required

Registration is not required.

This lecture is free to the general public.

With free enclosed parking. 

Dr. Dennis Dresang will present:

Midterm Elections Results and Implications for Wisconsin and the Nation

Lecture Description

You are invited to join the class coordinated by Dennis Dresang and Terry Shelton a week following the midterm elections.  After a summary of national and statewide election results, there will be an open discussion.

Was there a blue wave?  Was there a Trump effect?  What will happen to air and water quality protection, health care , immigration? What might the results portend for 2020 elections?

Dennis L. Dresang

Professor Emeritus of Public Affairs and Political Science

Professor Dennis Dresang is Professor Emeritus of Public Affairs and Political Science and founding director of the La Follette School of Public Affairs. His research focuses on state politics, public personnel management, and community issues. He has contributed to public service in a variety of ways: directing a research and public service seminar of La Follette School students examining community health issues and youth violence, chairing two major gubernatorial task forces, and serving on numerous tribal and local government commissions on human resource management issues. He was research director for a policy initiative of Wisconsin's lieutenant governor to improve the status of women, and he was director of the Center for Wisconsin State, Local, and Tribal Governance during its operation from 1993-2008. For his research and public service on pay equity, he received distinguished service awards from the Women's Political Caucus and the Wisconsin Equal Rights Council. Professor Dresang serves as a volunteer instructor in a university program for senior citizens.

Professor Dresang is co-author of Politics and Policy in American States and Communities, 7th edition; author of Public Personnel Management and Public Policy, 6th edition; and author of Public Administration, 8th edition. His articles have appeared in the American Political Science Review, International Organization, Public Personnel Management, and Journal of Public Personnel Administration.

Professor Dresang is completing a biography of Governor Patrick J. Lucey.

He received his doctorate in Political Science at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Location & Parking Instructions: 

Lecture Location:

Oakwood Village University Woods Auditorium/Arts Center  
6205 Mineral Point Road    
Madison, Wisconsin 53705    


Free parking is available in designated spaces at Oakwood Village - University Woods outdoors & underground. 

To access underground parking:

  • Enter at the stoplight on Mineral Point Rd.; take the left fork & go to the SECOND driveway on the right.  Look for the sign indicating parking. 
  • Press the button located next to the garage door to speak to attendant; say you are there for a PLATO Lecture.
  • Park in any available Visitor space.

Questions?   Contact information: Suzy Griffiths, or 608 233-5592.

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