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  • Summer Walk in the Woods: Stewart Lake County Park

Summer Walk in the Woods: Stewart Lake County Park

  • July 26, 2019
  • 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • 3101 County Highway JG Mt. Horeb, WI 53572
  • 5


  • The member may register a guest.

Free to PLATO members and guests.

Registration is recommended.

This walk features Oak Openings, Savannas and Prairies overlooking Stewart Lake

On the edge of Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin, an earthen Dam holds back the waters of Moen Creek, forming Stewart Lake.  The lake is surrounded by wooded hills and flowering prairies.

The Walk

Our walk will take us through woods, prairies currently in full flower, and savannas at a leisurely pace.  We'll take time to enjoy overlooks and try to identify some of the plants and birds we'll see. The walk will take about 2 hours and cover approximately two and a half miles.  This park has long been a favorite of ours and you'll find it quite beautiful.

Lunch at Sjolinds Chocolate House

Following our walk, those interested in lunching together will reconvene at this charming restaurant on 219 East Main St. in Mt. Horeb.  They serve soups, sandwiches, pastries and, of course, chocolate in a myriad of forms.  We will be seated at separate tables and we would like to know ahead of time if you will be joining us so we can alert the staff.  Please tell us by Thursday if you plan to lunch there so we can alert the staff.  Their menu can be found at:

Lunch Alternative 

Alternatively, you may prefer to bring a lunch and eat at the park shelter above the swimming beach.  Facilities include the shelter, picnic tables, drinking fountain (you know, a bubbler) and porta-potty.

About Stewart Lake County Park

Stewart Lake County Park was established in 1935, making it the first County Park in Dane County. Within this 191-acre park is shimmering Stewart Lake, an artificial lake on spring-fed tributary of Moen Creek. The lake offers a challenge for trout and bass fishing. Recreational facilities include picnic shelters, play equipment, hiking trails, and a beach area (no lifeguard on duty).  Please note that gas motors are not allowed on Stewart Lake (electric motors are permitted). 

Trailhead and Parking Instructions

Stewart Lake County Park can be reached by traveling north on County Highway JG from Main Street in the Village of Mt. Horeb.

3101 County Highway JG

Mt. Horeb, WI 53572

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Madison, WI 53705

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