Free to members and their guests.
Please register for the walk so we can send you reminders and last minute change
Spring Walk through Olin-Turville Point Conservation Park
We will take us on a different route through the woods and along the shore line. We anticipate Spring ephemeral blooms will color the forest floor.
Ron will tell us a little about Glacial Lake Mendota, the peoples who lived on the land after the waters receeded and a little about the use of the land during the 20th century including tales of Teddy Roosevelt use of a cottage for many years after his Presidency.
On the walk back, we'll capture a number of views of downtown Madison agross Lake Monona. You'll enjoy the 2 1/2 mile walk and 2 1/2 hrs as we gained more understanding of this beautiful place we live.
Turville History Tour with Ron Shutvet ~ You are in for a treat when you take a walk at Turville with history buff Ron Shutvet! Ron will point out interesting spots and share fascinating stories about the history of Turville Point and the people who lived there. You will also enjoy spring colors and seeing the birds and nature that make their home at Turville today. Look for migrating birds resting on the bay and busy squirrels collecting nuts below the ancient oaks.
Follow rolling hiking paths through the Turville Point woodlands and prairie with beautiful vistas of Lake Monona and Monona Bay. ???Walks at Turville Point held on the 2nd Sunday every month are co-sponsored by Madison Bird City FUN partners, Madison Parks, Friends of Olin Turville and Madison Audubon Society .
This natural gem borders the shores of Lake Monona, a short walk from downtown. Large red, bur and white oak provide the canopy under which a variety of spring wildflowers bloom. A seven acre prairie opening adds to the diversity of the site. Adjacent to Olin Park which has restrooms and a parking lot. Features 3 miles of trails.
PLATO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supported in part by:
info@platomadison.orgFacebook: @platomadison
6209 Mineral Point Road #203Madison, WI 53705