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  • Frankenstein @ Lookingglass Theatre, Chicago (Water Tower Place)

Frankenstein @ Lookingglass Theatre, Chicago (Water Tower Place)

  • July 11, 2019
  • Chicago
  • 6


  • NOTE: Member ($86) with guest ($101) will cost a total of $187. TO ADD YOUR GUEST: click on the "ADD GUEST" button at the bottom of the registration form and enter the guest information, as indicated. Thank you.

Note: This trip is a joint venture with the Chicago Museums and Navy Pier field trip.

Estimated Trip Durations:
East Towne Sears: 8:10 AM - 8:00 PM
Capitol Lakes: 7:40 AM - 8:15 PM
Oakwood West: 7:15 AM - 8:35 PM

Guest Registration Fee: $101.

Registration and Ticket Refund Deadline: June 26.

Registration Fee inc Badger Bus Charter Service w/ Wi-Fi and theater ticket. Lunch is on your own.

Group Lunch: Mity Nice Bar and Grill, within steps of the theater.
Registration is closed

Join us Thursday, July 11 for Frankenstein, staged in the intimate Lookingglass Theater located within the Water Tower Water Works. And brought to you by same creative team that produced the phenomenal Moby Dick.

Written and Directed by Ensemble Member David Catlin

From the Book Written by Mary Shelley

Within every man there is a monster; within every monster, a man. But which is which?

An eerie evening of ghost stories crackles to life as Mary Shelley unspools her tale of Victor Frankenstein and his unholy experiment. This Gothic tale of love, horror, and the power to create life—and destroy it—awakens in this visceral, original retelling of Frankenstein.

Fresh from the brain of Ensemble Member David Catlin, creator of Moby Dick and Lookingglass Alice, comes a galvanic adaptation of this undying story. See for yourself this latest invention come to shocking life!

Learn more about the Frankenstein production on its webpage including: artist/cast bios and video clips:
Frankenstein Reviews (13)

Run Time: 2 Hours 20 Minutes with one 15-minute intermission

Lookingglass Theatre:

11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Free Time for Lunch and Adventure
within easy  walking distance of 
Lookingglass Theatre
(N. Michigan Ave & E. Pearson St)

A few suggestions

Driehaus Museum (Chicago's Downton Abbey)

Free Noon Tour, Great Gift Shop, MCA Cafe

Water Tower Place Shopping and Dining

Lookingglass Theatre Restaurant Partners

Other Nearby Restaurants

PLATO Group Lunch Option
Available to those who want to join the trip, but may be hesitant...not knowing anyone and uncomfortable eating alone. The group option lunch addresses  this concern and is a good way to make new theater trip friends. Just answer "Yes"  to Group Lunch questions on the registration form and we will take care of the rest. 

Frankenstein group lunch will be at the close and convenient Mity Nice Bar and Grill.


Bear in mind that our boarding bus route is like Madison Metro or any other municipal bus service. Please arrive early at your boarding stop so you don’t miss the bus. When everyone is aboard and seated, we leave. Arrive early and we will all arrive in Chicago on time to begin our adventure.

– Don’t be late. We can wait just 5 minutes at any one location.

– Pack water bottles and snacks for sustenance on the trip.

Leave Madison

7:15 AM     Bus arrives at Oakwood Village to begin boarding.

7:40 AM     Arrive at Capitol Lakes

8:00 AM     Arrive at East Towne Sears

8:10 AM     Depart for Chicago (Or, sooner if everyone is aboard)

In Chicago

10:30 AM Arrive Museum Campus Stop for Field Museum, Shedd Aquarium and Alder Planetarium

10:45 AM Arrive Art Institute of Chicago

11:00 AM Arrive Navy Pier

11:20 AM Arrive Lookingglass Theatre, Contemporary Art Museum (MCA) Chicago, Driehaus Museum and Water Tower Place and Mity Nice Bar and Grill for group lunch.

2:00 PM   Frankenstein performance begins

3:30 PM Arrive Museum Campus Stop for Field Museum, Shedd

Aquarium and Alder Planetarium

3:45 PM  Pick up Art Institute of Chicago

4:00 PM  Pick up Navy Pier

4:20 PM Arrive Lookingglass Theatre, Contemporary Art Museum (MCA) Chicago, Driehaus Museum and Water Tower Place.

4:20 PM   (Est) Frankenstein performance ends

4:30 PM   Boarding and departure for Madison

Arrive Madison (Est)

7:45 PM East Towne Sears

8:00 PM Capitol Lakes

8:20 PM Oakwood University Woods

Non-Member Policy.  Members must register their guests. Each PLATO member is entitled to bring one non-member guest per bus trip. (Members may bring more than one guest near the registration Deadline Date if seats are available. Check with trip organizer.) Non-member guests pay an additional $15.00 registration fee. PLATO Membership is $60.00/year.

                                                                                                                                    Accessibility Accessibility Policy. On the Badger Bus, you must be able to climb steps to board and exit the bus. If you need assistance, we recommend that you bring a friend to give you a hand. 

The Lookingglass Theatre is handicap accessible. Each aisle has row handrail support for more easily ascending and descending the seating area.

Frankenstein Mail-in Registration Forms (including instructions):

For further information, contact Frankenstein theater trip organizer, Bob Blitzke, and 608-271-7741

PLATO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supported in part by:

Facebook: @platomadison


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Madison, WI 53705

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