The PLATO Spring Open House is held the third Wednesday in February.
This year the date is February 19. It will be held at the Madison Senior Center from 1:30 to 3:00 pm.
At the Spring Open House, meet the coordinators from the 40+ courses that are offered every Spring. Members, new members and interested individuals can speak with coordinators about their course, pick up any handouts, etc. and get excited about the courses beginning the following week.
Special Events committee members are on hand to answer questions about: current and upcoming trips, Breakfast Get- Togethers, walking tours of local, county and state parks in the Dane County area, and Lectures.
Other committees with representatives are Diversity, membership, scholarship fund, as well as a representative of the membership published Agora magazine.
As you enter the Senior Center stop at the Curriculum table to pick up a course schedule. Then move about the room talking with committee and coordinators members - all are volunteers, putting Participatory Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO) into action.
Volunteers keep all our activities going strong. Please consider becoming involved.
New members are invited to stop at the Membership and the Board table to find out more about PLATO activities and the many benefits in becoming a member.
PLATO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supported in part by:
info@platomadison.orgFacebook: @platomadison
6209 Mineral Point Road #203Madison, WI 53705