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  • David Grunke on Federal Health Care Reform

David Grunke on Federal Health Care Reform

  • October 28, 2019
  • 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Oakwood Village University Woods, Center for the Arts and Education, 6209 Mineral Point Road, Madison, 53705


  • Free and Open to the Public

    Free Parking

    No Registration Required


This lecture is FREE to PLATO members and their guests.

Free enclosed parking.  

Registration is not required.

Lecture Description

Review of Past Healthcare Reforms

We start with the first Federal intervention in 1798 and continue through various designed and inadvertent interventions into the healthcare system. This journey will make stops in the 1940’s, 1960’s, 1970’s, 1990’s, 2000’s, 2010 and today. 

What Makes the US population Unique?

We will define the unique cost drivers within the US population that set us apart from both the Canadian and Western European systems. Then we will apply these concepts to the Affordable Care Act, and the modifications made since it became law. 

Possible Future Healthcare Plans

We will review the current Proposals, such as: "Medicare for All", "Buy in to either Medicare or Medicaid" and "the Public Plan Option" and other proposals.

We will leave plenty of time for discussion.

David Grunke

Speaker, Coach & Instructor

For over 40 years David has made presentations on a diverse portfolio of topics including Health Care Reform. 

Currently, David is an Associate Facility member of The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research. The topics that David presents to Insurance Companies executives and their agents include Health Insurance & Employee Benefit Concepts, and Ethics. 

As a noted resource on Health Care Systems/Delivery/Financing, David has presented to the National and WI State Associations of Health Underwriters, and many insurance agencies and companies on Health Care Reform.   

In addition, David leads classes on Health Care in conjunction with various Chambers of Commerce, most recently, Monroe WI and the Latino Chamber of South-Central WI.

Location & Parking Instructions: 

Lecture Location:

Oakwood Village University Woods Auditorium/Arts Center  
6209 Mineral Point Road    
Madison, Wisconsin 53705    


Free parking is available in designated spaces at Oakwood Village - University Woods both outdoors & underground. 

  • Enter Oakwood at the traffic light at Island Drive and Mineral Point Road.
  • Take the left fork and then the second driveway on the right to enter visitor underground parking. Push the button for assistance. Park in any visitor or nonreserved stall;
  • Take elevator to first floor lobby where signs or a receptionist will help you.
  • When you exit the underground parking, the garage door opens automatically.
  • You may also park in a surface visitor spot (marked spaces along the drive and up the hill toward the large lot).
  • To link to the Oakwood campus map, use //
  • If you are walking to Oakwood Village,  enter Heritage, 6205 Mineral Point Road, at its main entrance (third driveway on the right, at stop sign) or enter the auditorium doors directly from the lower drive.
  • If taking the bus, Madison Metro Bus Routes 14 and 67, stop on Mineral Point Road in front of Oakwood, if traveling easterly, or across Mineral Point Road from Oakwood, if traveling westerly


Questions?   Contact information: Tim Otis

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Facebook: @platomadison


6209 Mineral Point Road #203
Madison, WI 53705

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