A Doll's House, Part 2 @ American Players Theatre
Touchstone Theatre
Friday, November 8 matinee
Join us Friday, November 8th, for our American Players Theatre (APT) play, A Doll’s House, Part 2 by Lucas Hnath.
Directed by Brenda Devita. Featuring: Colleen Madden as Nora, Jim DeVita as Torvald, Sarah Day as Anne and Melisa Pereyra as Emmy.
Synopsis: With a knock at the door, Nora is launched back into a household she helped burn to the ground 15 years before. But even after all this time, family ties cinch tighter than expected, and she discovers that confronting people she hurt in the past takes courage, a good sense of humor, and a strong sense of self. Fortunately, Nora ticks all those boxes. A provocative and surprisingly funny debate about the roles people choose to play, and those they feel forced into; a conversation with 140 years of momentum behind it.
A fast-paced and contemporary sequel to A Doll’s House, that also stands perfectly well on its own.
Seating: Tickets are located in the center section, Touchstone's exceptional seat area.
Special Event for trip registrants: A movie viewing and discussion of the original story of A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen will be presented October 24th, 2:00 pm at Oakwood Village University Woods.

For more information on the play, see APT's A Doll’s House, Part 2 website.
Estimated Run Time: 2 hours, with no intermission (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM)
A Doll’s House, Part 2 will be staged in APT's 201-seat indoor Touchstone Theatre. It's about a 5-minute stroll from the parking lot, up a gentle slope (though there is a shuttle available if you prefer to ride). The path leads through the prairie to a beautiful, modern, intimate, and climate-controlled facility. Once inside, you'll find a gift shop, concession stand and restrooms--the same amenities as the Hill Theatre (but to slightly smaller scale). More information about this theater.
Accessibility Policy: On the Badger Bus, you must be able to climb steps to board and exit the bus. If you need assistance, we require that you bring a friend to give you a hand.
Guest Policy: Members must register their guests. Each PLATO member is entitled to bring one non-member guest per bus trip. (Members may bring more than one guest near the registration deadline date if seats are available.) Check with trip organizer. Non-member guests pay an additional $15.00 registration fee. PLATO Membership is $60.00/year.
Bear in mind that our boarding bus route is like Madison Metro or any other municipal bus service. Please arrive 15 minutes early at your boarding stop so you don’t miss the bus. When everyone is aboard and seated, we leave. Arrive early and we will all arrive in Spring Green on time to begin our adventure.
● Don’t be late. We can wait just 5 minutes at any one location.
● Pack water bottles and snacks for sustenance on the trip.
Leave Madison - Please arrive 15 minutes before departure
8:40 AM Bus arrives East Towne Sears (boarding across from Culver’s, west of Lamppost 10)
9:00 AM Bus departs East Towne Sears
9:20 AM Bus departs Capitol Lakes
9:40 AM Bus departs Oakwood Village University Woods for Spring Green (or sooner, if everyone is aboard)
In Spring Green
10:45 AM Bus arrives in downtown Spring Green for lunch (on your own). A group lunch location, for those who wish to participate, will be at Freddy Valentine's Public House.
12:15 PM Bus departs for American Players Theatre. If using the shuttle, allow time for boarding--the route is short, but the shuttle may be small.
1:00 PM A Doll’s House, Part 2 performance begins
3:00 PM A Doll’s House, Part 2 performance ends. Begin bus boarding for return to Madison. There will be adequate time for walking/shuttle and restroom use.
3:30 PM Bus departs for Madison (or sooner, if everyone is aboard)
Arrive Madison (estimated)
4:20 PM Return to Oakwood Village University Woods
4:40 PM Return to Capitol Lakes
5:00 PM Return to East Towne Sears
For further information: Contact A Doll’s House, Part 2 theater trip organizers:
● Jean Kasten jeankasten@yahoo.com 608-358-5448
● Tammy Albrecht tbirdalbrecht@gmail.com 608-449-0401