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  • Global Hotspots:“The Economic Consequences of Trump’s War on Multilateralism”

Global Hotspots:“The Economic Consequences of Trump’s War on Multilateralism”

  • October 18, 2019
  • 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Fluno Center, Howard Auditorium, 601 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53715

This event is free and open to the public.  Registration is required.


About the event

Professor Menzie Chinn will discuss how, for most of the postwar era, the United States has led the establishment and extension of the multilateral economic system, represented by the World Trade Organization and its precursors, as well as by the IMF and World Bank. President Trump has sought to pursue a unilateral approach, seeking to destroy the machinery of trade dispute resolution and use economic sanctions to hobble the development of other countries, including China. Trump has also turned away from traditional allies in terms of economic policies. Chinn will assert that such policies have been counterproductive, leading to higher costs, slower trade growth, slower economic growth, and no evidence of shrinking U.S. trade deficits.


Menzie Chinn, professor, La Follette School of Public Affairs

About the speaker

Chinn is a professor of public affairs and economics at UW–Madison’s La Follette School of Public Affairs. He is a research fellow in the International Finance and Macroeconomics Program of the National Bureau of Economic Research, and he has been a visiting scholar at the International Monetary Fund, the Congressional Budget Office, the Federal Reserve Board, the Banque de France, and the European Central Bank. From 2000 to 2001, Professor Chinn served as senior staff economist for international finance on the president’s Council of Economic Advisers. With Jeffry Frieden, he is coauthor of Lost Decades: The Making of America’s Debt Crisis and the Long Recovery, and he is a contributor to Econbrowser, a weblog on macroeconomic issues. He earned his doctoral degree in economics from the University of California–Berkeley and his bachelor of arts degree from Harvard University.

Join us to hear from a UW–Madison expert on this relevant topic!

Public parking is available in the Fluno Center garage (Lot 83) at 314 N. Frances Street, in Lot 46 at 301 N. Lake Street, or in the Lake Street ramp at 415 N. Lake Street.

Questions? Contact Joe D’Amato ’15 at or 1-608-308-5537.


Global Hotspots lectures are an offering of the Wisconsin Alumni Association and are supported, in part, by PLATO.  To signup for the lecture, click the Registration button below:


The lecture will be held in the Fluno Center, Howard Auditorium (first floor), 601 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53715 

Public parking is available in the Fluno Center garage (Lot 83) at 314 N. Frances Street, in Lot 46 at 301 N. Lake Street, or in the Lake Street ramp at 415 N. Lake Street.

Questions? Contact Joe D’Amato at or 1-608-308-5537.

PLATO Luncheon Prior to the Lecture

REMINDER:  Preceding the lecture, PLATO members will gather for lunch at Oro's Executive Restaurant on the first floor of the Fluno Center.  For a list of PLATO social events including this luncheon, click on the button below:

Social Events

Global Hot Spots Collection

Experience the best of UW-Madison’s expertise wherever you are with these archived Global Hot Spots presentations.

The Global Hot Spots Lecture Series is co-sponsored by the Wisconsin Alumni Association®, PLATO (Participatory Learning and Teaching Organization) and the UW-Madison Division of International Studies.

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Global Hot Spots Collection

Experience the best of UW-Madison’s expertise wherever you are with these archived Global Hot Spots presentations.

The Global Hot Spots Lecture Series is co-sponsored by the Wisconsin Alumni Association®, PLATO (Participatory Learning and Teaching Organization) and the UW-Madison Division of International Studies.

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