God of Carnage
Milwaukee Rep Quadracci Powerhouse Theater
Sunday, April 23, 2023 Matinee
It's All Fun and Games – Until the Grown-Ups Get Hurt
Winner of the Tony Award for Best Play, this explosive comedy is all fun and games – until the grown-ups get hurt. When two sets of parents politely meet over coffee and cake to settle a schoolyard spat between their sons, the gloves come off as neighborly decorum disintegrates into laugh-out-loud, no-holds barred mayhem. This "first class" (The New York Times) and "scabrously funny" (USA Today) send-up of middle-class manners gives a brutally entertaining look at what happens when the little things end up pushing us over the edge.
“A dark and hilarious farce.”
– The New Yorker
PLATO's Covid Protocol
By registering for this event you agree to the following:
1. Masks are not required while on this field trip.
2. However, persons wishing to wear a mask are encouraged to do so.
3. Health protocols are subject to change as conditions change; PLATO reserves the right to change the protocols for this trip accordingly.
4. You are asked to stay home if you are not feeling well. Please contact the trip organizer to inform them of your decision.
Please note: social distancing will not be available on the bus, at lunch or in the theater.

God of Carnage will be staged in the large, yet intimate Quadracci Powerhouse Theater. Information and photos about this unique theater venue.
Directions to the Quadracci Powerhouse Theater: From the Milwaukee Rep’s Wells Street entrance, walk straight ahead under the atrium dome. The Quadracci Theater is located on the Mezzanine Level. Take the elevator or walk up the white marble stairway. From the Mezzanine Level elevator exit, walk around to the right into the Powerhouse Theater entrance.
The Quadracci Powerhouse Theater is handicapped accessible. There is handrail support on each row as you descend and ascend the aisle.
Tickets: Our group will be in Prime seating in sections 3 and 4 on both sides of the center aisle of the theater.
Accessibility Policy: On the bus, you must be able to climb steps to board and exit the bus. If you need assistance, we require that you bring a friend to give you a hand.
Pre-Show Discussion: Optional, but free and highly recommended. It starts at 1:15 PM, but you can enter at any time.
Free Time: From 11:00 am until the show begins at 2:00 pm there will be free time for lunch, shopping, and exploring. Lunch is on your own, but there is a Group Lunch Option to those who want to register, but may be hesitant... not knowing anyone and uncomfortable eating alone. The Group Lunch Option addresses this concern and is a good way to make new theater trip friends. Just answer "Yes" to Group Lunch questions on the registration form and we will take care of the rest. Please note that the cost of lunch is separate and as such is not included in your registration fee.
Our Group Lunch is at The Public Market We will save tables on the second-floor. Each person is responsible for ordering, paying for and carrying their own meal from one of the nine unique eateries in the Public Market to the second floor dining area. In addition to the nine eateries, there is a bakery, wine shop and bar, coffee shop, etc. An elevator and stairs access the second floor and restrooms near the seating area. Again, lunch is not included in your registration.

Our bus will also drop-off and pick-up at the Milwaukee Public Market for lunch alternatives. There are many nearby Third Ward restaurants from which to choose. Many restaurants are still recovering from COVID or have changed over time so please check to see if they will be open and we highly recommend that you make a reservation.
Historic Third Ward Official Restaurant List - Check to see if they are open.
Historic Third Ward Official Shopping List - Check to see if they are open.
Bear in mind that our boarding bus route is like Madison Metro or any other municipal bus service. Please arrive early at your boarding stop so you don’t miss the bus. When everyone is aboard and seated, we leave.
Don’t be late. We can wait just 5 minutes at any one location.
Accessibility Policy: On the Badger Bus, you must be able to climb steps to board and exit the bus. If you need assistance, we require that you bring a friend to give you a hand.
Leaving Madison
8:45 AM Westside: Bus arrives for boarding at Oakwood University Woods, 6205 Mineral Point Road
8:55 AM Westside: Bus departs from Oakwood University Woods
9:20 AM Central: Bus departs from Capitol Lakes, 333 W. Main St.
9:50 AM Eastside: Bus departs from New Location - Oakwood Prairie Ridge, 5565 Tancho Drive, Madison. Leave for Milwaukee (sooner if everyone is aboard).
In Milwaukee
11:00 AM Drop off at Milwaukee Public Market for the Group Lunch and additional nearby restaurants
11:10 AM Drop off at Milwaukee Rep (if necessary)
12:50 PM Bus returns to the Milwaukee Public Market for those who need a ride to the Rep-in-Depth pre-show discussion and would rather not walk five blocks to the Milwaukee Rep. (See Walking Map.)
1:15 PM Rep-in-Depth optional pre-show discussion begins
2:00 PM God of Carnage performance begins - Estimated time is 90 minutes with no intermission.
3:30 PM God of Carnage performance ends and bus boarding begins. (There will be adequate time for coat check retrieval and restroom use.)
4:00 PM Depart for Madison (sooner if everyone is aboard)
Arrive Madison (Estimated)
5:10 PM Bus returns to Oakwood Prairie Ridge
5:40 PM Bus returns to Capitol Lakes
6:00 PM Bus returns to Oakwood University Woods
Non-Member Policy: Members must register their guests. Each PLATO member is entitled to bring one non-member guest per bus trip. Members may bring more than one guest near the registration deadline date if seats are available. Check with trip organizer. Non-member guests pay an additional $15 registration fee.
PLATO Membership: PLATO membership is $60.00/year and all memberships renew on August 1.
Mail-In Registration Form: Print, complete and mail in the God of Carnage Mail-in Registration Form.pdf
For further information contact the Trip Organizer:
Sue Josheff sooziej@sbcglobal.net or 608-770-3828