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  • PLATO COVID-19 Online Town Hall

PLATO COVID-19 Online Town Hall

  • September 10, 2020
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Online


  • Free and Open to the Public

    Registration Required

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PLATO COVID-19 Online Town Hall

Online or by Phone

Leading the presentation will be Hank Weiss, PhD, MPH, MS, an epidemiologist with years of experience in government and academia and a current PLATO member. Dr. Weiss will cover how we got here, current status of the pandemic, and where we are going; along with recommended sources of information about COVID-19.

The Town Hall will introduce other PLATO members who have been instrumental in developing PLATO’s COVID policy. The presentation(s) will be followed by a 30 minute open Q&A session where questions submitted in advance will be addressed. 



Dr. Hank Weiss’ career has focused on injury prevention and infectious disease epidemiology and opioid harm reduction in a variety of academic, administrative and government roles. With years of experience with problems across a range of public health issues in different social, cultural and geographical settings at diverse intersections of the science-to-policy cycle, he brings a practical understanding of what public health practitioner’s face in the real world. He is also a Course Facilitator for the Plato Current Events course and recently researched and created a popular YouTube video entitled, “Pickleball in the Time of COVID-19”.

Meg Taylor, B.S.N. spent the majority of her Nursing career in Public Health. She provided Executive Leadership at the State of Wisconsin Public Health Agency as well as serving as a Public Health Consultant in the states of Washington and Wisconsin; and as a Site Visitor for the National Public Health Accreditation Board. Meg serves on the PLATO Board of Directors and is also a Course Facilitator for the Current Events course. She recently chaired the workgroup that developed the “Criteria to Reopen PLATO Events”, dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Prof. Ted Goodfriend is an emeritus Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology at UW-Madison, and retired coordinator of research at the VA. He helped students start clinics for the homeless and was rewarded with a "Jefferson Award" a few years ago. The American Heart Association also honored Prof. Goodfriend for research that big pharmaceutical companies used to devise anti-hypertensive drugs called "ARB's" like Losartan, etc. Prof. Goodfriend has about 5 risk-factors for bad outcomes from COVID, so he has a lot of passion on the topic!

Brittany Grogan, MPH is a public health analyst with Public Health Madison & Dane County (PHMDC). Pre-COVID, her work involved all things data: management, quality improvement, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and visualization. She provides data support to her entire department wherever it is most needed, but focuses most heavily on violence prevention and community health assessment and improvement. She received both her BS and MPH from UW-Madison, after graduate school worked at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services in injury and violence prevention for three years, and now has been with PHMDC for just over two years.

If you would like to have some fun submitting questions both ahead and during the Town Hall, please read on:

Dear Plato COVID Town Hall Webinar Participant:

We will be using the Slido <>  platform to
facilitate audience input and interaction, both before (optional) and during
this Zoom event. See this 1.5 minute Slido introductory video
<>  to understand its role if you are unfamiliar
with this type of web software (it's not an app, it's all done on a web
browser, so nothing to download).

1.      Optional question input, anytime before the webinar (active now!):
*       Open a web browser on any web device (PC, Mac, smartphone or tablet)
*       Go to and type in the event code "Plato" as the event code, or click this link <>  to be taken directly to the Plato room

*       Enter any questions you have on the topic in the Q&A tab (note, your name is optional, you may remain anonymous if you are shy).

*       Visit back from time to time to upvote existing questions input by
others so that we can prioritize which questions to respond to during the webinar. You will have an opportunity to add and vote on questions during the webinar session as well.

Help: How do Slido questions work?
<>  (short Youtube video)

2.      Just before or during the Webinar:
*       For the Zoom webinar you are encouraged to join the Zoom link on
your PC or tablet (if possible), so that your smartphone or other tablet can be used separately to interact with the Slido Q&A, polls and quizzes. If you don't use Zoom full screen or have two monitors, feel free to go to the Slido event room <>  in a window on your PC or Mac and interact there.
*       For Slido, on your (mobile) device, open your usual web browser and go to and type in the event code Plato (or just click this link: <>  or scan the QR code that will be on the screen during the session to be taken directly to the Plato room).
*       A moderator will control when and what poll or survey is displayed
(on your separate device or window) during the webinar.
*       You may respond to surveys and input Q&A questions (by selecting the Q&A tab) on your mobile device at anytime during the webinar; while
continuing to watch the webinar and survey results come in separately in a Zoom window.

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Facebook: @platomadison


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Madison, WI 53705

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