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  • Walk: Pheasant Branch Creek Corridor Trail

Walk: Pheasant Branch Creek Corridor Trail

  • August 17, 2021
  • 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM (CDT)
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  • The member may register a guest.

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Pheasant Branch Creek Corridor Trail

ADA Accessible

Free to PLATO Members and Guests

COVID-19 Safety Protocols (as of August 14, 2021)

All PLATO Outdoor events will follow the policies of the PLATO Board and the guidance of the PLATO COVID-19 Advisory Work-group.   The current recommendations of the Work-group for outdoor activities include the following:

  • Wear a medical quality mask;
  • Maintain social distancing, when possible. This is especially important when the group stops to hear and discuss information. We provide the group leader with a directional microphone to enable distancing.

Introducing Walk Leader

Hans Hilbert is one of the co-presidents of the Friends of Pheasant Branch Conservancy.

The Walk and Talk

The walk and talk will focus on the history of the waterway and how it has been changed over the last 75 years by weather events
and the impact it has made to the Yahara Chain of Lakes.

We will also hear what the City of Middleton and Dane County are planning to do to reduce the impact of future exceptional storms.

This will be a 2 1/2 mile walk along the Pheasant Branch Creek Corridor Trail.  The paved, two-lane trail is ADA-accessible and suitable for hiking and biking. Users will find benches along the way. The wide, gently rolling trail will allow us to walk at a comfortable pace with stops for information.


Our leaders will have directional microphones to assist in delivering the message clearly as possible.  The microphones have added greatly to the quality of the conversations as we walk and make informational stops along the way.

Length, Difficulty & Pace of Walk

A two to three mile walk along a wide paved trail following the creek through gently rolling corridor at a  moderate pace with informational stops.  The walk will take about 2.5 hours.

On a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is very  steep, the trails are rated 2.0.

Handicap Accessibility?

The trails are said to be ADA accessible as i winds down the creek corridor and uses hardwood bridges over the water.  Please call Mike at 608 257-9164 to further evaluate the trails.

Driving and Parking Information

We will be using the Parmenter Street entrance to the Pheasant Branch Creek Corridor Trail.  There is parking available just north of the trail head in the parking lot of an office building at 2501 Parmenter Street. 

To find the parking lot at 2501 Parmenter Street, click on Google Maps and enter your beginning location with 2501 Parmenter Street as the ending location.


There are no bathroom facilities on the walk.

Questions?  Contact trip leader Mike Dilorio at

PLATO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supported in part by:

Facebook: @platomadison


6209 Mineral Point Road #203
Madison, WI 53705

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