Slavery in "Free" Wisconsin Territory, 1800-1850
Thursday, April 10 from 1:30-3:00 p.m.
In-Person at Oakwood Village West Performing Arts Center
6205 Mineral Point Road
Registration is Not Required
Even after the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 made slavery illegal in the territory that later became Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and part of Minnesota, individuals and legislatures found means to allow slavery to exist in this so-called "free" territory, which was partitioned into states. This was especially true at US military posts and the mining region of Illinois and Wisconsin. Using documentation gathered in the writing of her latest book, Enslaved, Indentured, Free, Mary Elise Antoine will discuss the presence of slavery, in its various forms, in what is now Wisconsin.
Enslaved, Indentured, Free, published in 2023, received several awards, including the Benjamin Franklin Award in Regional History from the Independent Book Publishers’ Association, the Midwest Independent Publishers Association award. The book also received the Wisconsin Historical Society Board of Curators Book of Merit Award. The award is given annually to an author whose book on Wisconsin history “made the most valuable contribution” to the public’s understanding of Wisconsin's past.
Mary Elise was born and raised in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. She has an MA in history museum studies and has worked at historic sites in upstate New York and Wisconsin. She is currently curator at the Villa Louis in Prairie du Chien and president of the Prairie du Chien Historical Society. Mary Elise has written many articles and several books on the history of the upper Mississippi, including The War of 1812 in Wisconsin: the Battle for Prairie du Chien and Frenchtown Chronicles of Prairie du Chien, both published by the Wisconsin Historical Society Press.
Transportation Options:
Bicycle: Bike racks are available
Bus: The BRT Route A bus runs every 15 minutes and stops in front of Oakwood at the Island/Mineral Point station.
Use the Island Drive entrance at 6205 Mineral Point Road.
Veer left and follow the drive to the 2nd driveway with sign “Heritage Oaks Parking Garage.”
Turn right into driveway.
Press the buzzer and the Oakwood desk attendant will buzz you in. There are 70 parking stalls. Park in any visitor or non-reserved stall. Take the elevator up one floor to the main entrance, turn right and walk through the mail box area into the lobby. Ask at the desk for directions to the Performing Arts Center.
When you exit the underground parking, the garage door opens automatically.
Questions? Contact lecture organizer Barbara Drake at barbaradrake21@gmail.com