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  • Spring into Spring Tour

Spring into Spring Tour

  • April 22, 2025
  • 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
  • Janesville
  • 6


  • NOTE: Member ($75) with guest ($75) will cost a total of $150. TO ADD YOUR GUEST: click on the "ADD GUEST" button at the bottom of the registration form and enter the guest information as indicated.


Spring into Spring Tour

Tuesday, April 22, 2025

Registration Deadline is Friday, March 21

The Rotary Botanical Gardens is an award winning 20-acre, non-profit botanic showcase with 26 different garden styles and 4,000 varieties of plants. The Gardens is home to many dramatic and internationally themed gardens, including Japanese, Scottish, French Formal, Italian and English Cottage Gardens. Time will be allotted to visit the Cottage Garden Gallery Gift Shop filled with local artisans' works.

Following our garden tour, we'll head to the Italian House for a buffet lunch consisting of two different salads, two sub options, three pasta options, garlic bread and cheese bread, water, coffee, fruit punch and dessert. Bring your appetite!


Next we hop on the bus and head to the Milton House to travel back in time with a tour of Wisconsin's only certified Underground Railroad site open to the public! We will learn about the founding of Milton, the many purposes of the historic Milton House structure, the history of America in the tumultuous years leading up to the Civil War, the importance of the Underground Railroad in the United States, and how the Underground Railroad operated in Milton.

All areas of the museum are handicap accessible except for the tunnel. The Milton House guides are experienced in handling special needs.

Then it's back to the present with a stop at the K&W Greenery nursery and giftshop. Their nursery and giftshop is filled with home decor, greeting cards, candles, wind chimes, figurines and much more. Ninety-five percent of annuals, vegetables and perennials are grown by K&W's professional staff. You'll have plenty of time to pick out your spring planting selections!

As always there will be a ‘surprise stop’ along the way!


    PLATO is partnering with the Verona Senior Center  and UW Retirement Association on this travel opportunity.  Pick-up locations are different from PLATO's usual trips.  You will be required to fill out the 2025 Verona New Member Form  (no charge) and 2025 Verona trip waiver Form.  You can fill out these forms in advance or on the day of the trip.

    Schedule:  (Return times are approximate)

    8:00 a.m.  Depart Verona Senior Center, 108 Paoli Street, Verona

    8:30 a.m.   Pick-up (East Madison) Dutch Mill Park and Ride (East Lot)

    5:00 p.m.   Return Dutch Mill Park & Ride

    5:30 p.m.   Return Verona Senior Center

    Departure Locations:

    Verona Senior Center, 108 Paoli Street, Verona

    East Side (Dutch Mill Park & Ride (East Lot))

    Map below for those boarding the bus on east side Dutch Mill Park & Ride. Please park in the "east" lot as indicated by the arrow. (east of Arby's)

    Cost: $75 per person and includes bus transportation, driver tip, admission fees, meal, taxes, and gratuities.

    Seating is limited, so register today!  Registrations must be received no later than noon on Tuesday, March 11, 2025.

    Mail-In Registration Form:   Print, Fill-in and Mail this Form.docx  for those who wish to register off-line and by check.

    Refund Policy:  PLATO refunds an event fee if cancelled prior to the registration deadline.  Refunds after the registration deadline are only processed if a wait-listed registrant can attend.  Refunds made by check.

    PLATO Membership:  PLATO membership is $60.00/year and all memberships renew on July 1. 

    For further information, contact PLATO trip coordinator, Bob Shaw, , 608-255-3486.

    PLATO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supported in part by:

    Facebook: @platomadison


    6209 Mineral Point Road #203
    Madison, WI 53705

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