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  • Linden Cohousing Tour

Linden Cohousing Tour

  • April 05, 2025
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Madison
  • 14


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Linden Cohousing Tour

Saturday April 5, 2025 frm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Free to PLATO members and guests

Registration is required and is limited to 20 people

Linden Cohousing is an intentional, self-governing, cooperative community where residents live in privately owned units housed in a 45-unit condo building in east Madison. Neighbors collaboratively plan and manage community activities and shared spaces while maintaining their own income and private lives. Madison is home to four co-housing communities; there are about 200 co-housing communities across the US and more under development. Each community is somewhat unique but shares the principle that cooperative living facilitates interaction among neighbors providing social, practical, economic, and environmental benefits.

For more information about co-housing in general and Madison’s Linden CoHousing in specific, see

The tour (10 am- 12 Noon)

Orientation (10-10:45)

Tour attendees should enter through the patio doors in the back (see Map to Linden ). We’ll start with a short introduction and overview of co-housing as practiced at Linden and by the co-housing movement across the US.

Tour of Linden (10:45-11:30)

Tour will include three residential units, parking garage, gardens (weather permitting), and community rooms. Attendees will be divided into smaller groups of not more than 7/group. We have an elevator for attendees as needed. The actual time for the tour is estimated to take about 30 minutes, with an extra 15 minutes to assemble and regroup.


Regroup, time for questions/answers and socialize with each other and Linden members. Tour should end by noon.

Getting to Linden

Bike – Linden is about 3 blocks away from the Capital City Trail, which connects east and west Madison through the isthmus. There are publicly accessible bicycle racks in the parking lot that Linden shares with Madison Circus Space and Ford’s Gym.

Bus – The closest bus stop to Linden is about 2 blocks away at Winnebago and Atwood and is served by the C line. Slightly farther away at E. Washington and 4th are the A and B lines (get off at the Fourth Street stop).

Parking – Linden has a handful of parking spots for visitors available in the parking lot shared with Madison Circus Space (MCS) and Ford’s Gym. Neighborhood street parking can typically be found within 1-2 blocks. See Map to Linden. We ask our guests to try to park only in the Green colored spaces and leave the Ford’s Gym and MCS spots for their customers.

For further information, contact PLATO trip leader, Cynthia Moore, , 608-228-8836.

PLATO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supported in part by:

Facebook: @platomadison


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Madison, WI 53705

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